No one is naturally good-natured. It's really because you're important to you.

Whatever secret you have in your heart, I just want to tell you. You keep your secret, and I'll keep mine.

三、羡慕与你同行的每个身影 我和你始终隔着安全距离——网易云音乐热评《暗恋是一个人的事》
I envy every figure walking with you, you and I are always separated from a safe distance.

四、怀旧总会无视苦难,放大幸福,谁也免不了受它的侵袭。——加西亚·马尔克斯 《活着为了讲述》
Nostalgia will ignore the suffering, magnify happiness, who is not immune to its invasion.-- Garcia marquez, live to tell

All true love, finally scattered. Those who lived together were reunited in the end."

She is the girl that you can buy with a piece of candy, also be the girl that you 10 jinshan all cannot change back.

"Your presence disturbed my life, but also experienced my world."

Regret is regret, but people can't always stay in the same place. -- netease cloud music review "let go"

If a person really like you, is not very long without contact with you, you have what do not understand.

After I like you, I dare not share any songs, because sharing any songs is like a confession to you. -- netease cloud music review

十一、你在意什么 什么就会折磨你 ——网易云音乐热评
Anything you care about will torture you

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Do you also experience lost and found -netease cloud music hot reviews

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Later I found that there really will be two people like each other miss each other forget each other but not together - netease cloud music hot

One day, you won't need crazy love, but someone who won't leave you. -- netease cloud music review

"If I will die for you, I will live for you. I ask for mercy. You never shed a tear. Don't cry for me."-- netease cloud music review.
