CS190 Scalable Machine Learning

CS190 Scalable Machine Learning

作者: 简简单单书写 | 来源:发表于2015-08-03 17:27 被阅读0次

    spark ML


    Apache Spark
    Spark's Python API

    Spark Context




    # Display the type of the Spark Context sc
    #Out: pyspark.context.SparkContext
    # List sc's attributes
    # Use help to obtain more detailed information
    # After reading the help we've decided we want to use sc.version to see what version of Spark we are running

    Using RDD

    Distributed data and using a collection to create an RDD

    图示: 数据集被分层不同分区,存储在不同worker的内存中

    data = xrange(1, 10001)
    # Parallelize data using 8 partitions
    # This operation is a transformation of data into an RDD
    # Spark uses lazy evaluation, so no Spark jobs are run at this point
    xrangeRDD = sc.parallelize(data, 8)
    # Let's see what type sc.parallelize() returned
    print 'type of xrangeRDD: {0}'.format(type(xrangeRDD))
    #Out: type of xrangeRDD: <class 'pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD'>
    # How about if we use a range
    dataRange = range(1, 10001)
    rangeRDD = sc.parallelize(dataRange, 8)
    print 'type of dataRangeRDD: {0}'.format(type(rangeRDD))
    #Out: type of dataRangeRDD: <class 'pyspark.rdd.RDD'>
    # Each RDD gets a unique ID
    print 'xrangeRDD id: {0}'.format(xrangeRDD.id())
    # We can name each newly created RDD using the setName() method
    xrangeRDD.setName('My first RDD')
    # Let's view the lineage (the set of transformations) of the RDD using toDebugString()
    print xrangeRDD.toDebugString()
    # Let's see how many partitions the RDD will be split into by using the getNumPartitions()


    Subtract one from each value using map

    # Create sub function to subtract 1
    def sub(value):
        """Subtracts one from `value`.
           value (int): A number.
            int: `value` minus one.
        return (value - 1)
    #Transform xrangeRDD through map transformation using sub function
    #Because map is a transformation and Spark uses lazy evaluation, no jobs, stages,
    #or tasks will be launched when we run this code.
    subRDD = xrangeRDD.map(sub)


    action 操作,此时才会实际执行

    # Let's collect the data
    print subRDD.collect()
    #Out: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4……,9999]


    count RDD中记录个数
    action 操作

    print xrangeRDD.count()
    #Out: 10000
    print subRDD.count()
    #Out: 10000


    过滤操作,从原RDD 中提取满足条件的记录,生成新的RDD
    transformation operation

    # Define a function to filter a single value
    def ten(value):
        """Return whether value is below ten.
            value (int): A number.
            bool: Whether `value` is less than ten.
        if (value < 10):
            return True
            return False
    # The ten function could also be written concisely as: def ten(value): return value < 10
    # Pass the function ten to the filter transformation
    # Filter is a transformation so no tasks are run
    filteredRDD = subRDD.filter(ten)
    # View the results using collect()
    # Collect is an action and triggers the filter transformation to run
    print filteredRDD.collect()
    #Out:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    Using Python lambda() functions

    #filter values less than 10
    lambdaRDD = subRDD.filter(lambda x: x < 10)
    #Out: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] 
    # Let's collect the even values less than 10
    evenRDD = lambdaRDD.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0)
    #Out:[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]


    action 说明
    first() Return the first element in this RDD.
    take(num) Take the first num elements of the RDD.
    top(num, key=None) Get the top N elements from a RDD.Note: It returns the list sorted in descending order.
    takeOrdered(num, key=None) Get the N elements from a RDD ordered in ascending order or as specified by the optional key function.
    reduce(f) Reduces the elements of this RDD using the specified commutative and associative binary operator.
    countByValue() Return the count of each unique value in this RDD as a dictionary of (value, count) pairs
    takeSample(withReplacement, num, seed=None) returns an array with a random sample of elements from the dataset

    reduce(f) 先在各分区上计算,然后再汇总各个分区的结果进行计算。 函数f要符合 交换律和结合律,如果不符合的话,计算结果可能会发生变化。

    The reduce() action reduces the elements of a RDD to a single value by applying a function that takes two parameters and returns a single value.
    The function should be commutative and associative, as reduce() is applied at the partition level and then again to aggregate results from partitions. If these rules don't hold, the results from reduce() will be inconsistent. Reducing locally at partitions makes reduce() very efficient.

    # Let's get the first element
    print filteredRDD.first()
    # The first 4
    print filteredRDD.take(4)
    #Out:[0, 1, 2, 3]
    # Note that it is ok to take more elements than the RDD has
    print filteredRDD.take(12)
    #Out:[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
    # Retrieve the three smallest elements ascending order 升序
    print filteredRDD.takeOrdered(3)
    #Out:[0, 1, 2]
    # Retrieve the five largest elements   descending order 降序
    print filteredRDD.top(5)
    #Out:[9, 8, 7, 6, 5]
    # Pass a lambda function to takeOrdered to reverse the order
    filteredRDD.takeOrdered(4, lambda s: -s)
    #Out:[9, 8, 7, 6]
    # Obtain Python's add function
    from operator import add
    # Efficiently sum the RDD using reduce
    print filteredRDD.reduce(add)
    # Sum using reduce with a lambda function
    print filteredRDD.reduce(lambda a, b: a + b)
    # Note that subtraction is not both associative and commutative
    print filteredRDD.reduce(lambda a, b: a - b)
    print filteredRDD.repartition(4).reduce(lambda a, b: a - b)
    # While addition is
    print filteredRDD.repartition(4).reduce(lambda a, b: a + b)
    # takeSample reusing elements
    print filteredRDD.takeSample(withReplacement=True, num=6)
    # takeSample without reuse
    print filteredRDD.takeSample(withReplacement=False, num=6)
    # Set seed for predictability
    print filteredRDD.takeSample(withReplacement=False, num=6, seed=500)
    # Try reruning this cell and the cell above -- the results from this cell will remain constant
    # Use ctrl-enter to run without moving to the next cell
    # Create new base RDD to show countByValue
    repetitiveRDD = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 6])
    print repetitiveRDD.countByValue()
    #Out:defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {1: 4, 2: 4, 3: 5, 4: 2, 5: 1, 6: 1})



    Return a new RDD by first applying a function to all elements of this RDD, and then flattening the results.
    # Let's create a new base RDD to work from
    wordsList = ['cat', 'elephant', 'rat', 'rat', 'cat']
    wordsRDD = sc.parallelize(wordsList, 4)
    # Use map
    singularAndPluralWordsRDDMap = wordsRDD.map(lambda x: (x, x + 's'))
    # Use flatMap
    singularAndPluralWordsRDD = wordsRDD.flatMap(lambda x: (x, x + 's'))
    # View the results
    print singularAndPluralWordsRDDMap.collect()
    #Out:[('cat', 'cats'), ('elephant', 'elephants'), ('rat', 'rats'), ('rat', 'rats'), ('cat', 'cats')]
    print singularAndPluralWordsRDD.collect()
    #Out:['cat', 'cats', 'elephant', 'elephants', 'rat', 'rats', 'rat', 'rats', 'cat', 'cats']
    # View the number of elements in the RDD
    print singularAndPluralWordsRDDMap.count()
    print singularAndPluralWordsRDD.count()

    groupByKey and reduceByKey

    Group the values for each key in the RDD into a single sequence. Hash-partitions the resulting RDD with numPartitions partitions.

    reduceByKey (func, numPartitions=None)
    Merge the values for each key using an associative reduce function.
    类似MR的combiner会在每个mapper上先 merge,后再汇总到reducer

    groupByKey() figuregroupByKey() figure
    reduceByKey() figurereduceByKey() figure

    combineByKey() can be used when you are combining elements but your return type differs from your input value type.
    foldByKey() merges the values for each key using an associative function and a neutral "zero value".

    pairRDD = sc.parallelize([('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', 1)])
    # mapValues only used to improve format for printing
    print pairRDD.groupByKey().mapValues(lambda x: list(x)).collect()
    # Different ways to sum by key
    print pairRDD.groupByKey().map(lambda (k, v): (k, sum(v))).collect()
    # Using mapValues, which is recommended when they key doesn't change
    print pairRDD.groupByKey().mapValues(lambda x: sum(x)).collect()
    # reduceByKey is more efficient / scalable
    print pairRDD.reduceByKey(add).collect()
    #Out:[('a', [1, 2]), ('b', [1])]
    #Out:[('a', 3), ('b', 1)]
    #Out:[('a', 3), ('b', 1)]
    #Out:[('a', 3), ('b', 1)]


    # mapPartitions takes a function that takes an iterator and returns an iterator
    print wordsRDD.getNumPartitions()
    print wordsRDD.collect()
    itemsRDD = wordsRDD.mapPartitions(lambda iterator: [','.join(iterator)])
    print itemsRDD.collect()
    #Out:['cat', 'elephant', 'rat', 'rat', 'cat']
    #Out:['cat', 'elephant', 'rat', 'rat,cat']


    itemsByPartRDD = wordsRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex(lambda index, iterator: [(index, list(iterator))])
    # We can see that three of the (partitions) workers have one element and the fourth worker has two
    # elements, although things may not bode well for the rat...
    print itemsByPartRDD.collect()
    # Rerun without returning a list (acts more like flatMap)
    itemsByPartRDD = wordsRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex(lambda index, iterator: (index, list(iterator)))
    print itemsByPartRDD.collect()
    #Out: [(0, ['cat']), (1, ['elephant']), (2, ['rat']), (3, ['rat', 'cat'])]
    #Out: [0, ['cat'], 1, ['elephant'], 2, ['rat'], 3, ['rat', 'cat']]

    Caching RDDs and storage options

    .cache() 将RDD 保存在内存中

    # Name the RDD
    filteredRDD.setName('My Filtered RDD')
    # Cache the RDD
    # Is it cached
    print filteredRDD.is_cached

    不需用时,可以用unpersist() 将数据从 内存和磁盘清理掉

    # If we are done with the RDD we can unpersist it so that its memory can be reclaimed
    # Storage level for a non cached RDD
    print filteredRDD.getStorageLevel()
    # Storage level for a cached RDD
    print filteredRDD.getStorageLevel()
    #Out:Serialized 1x Replicated
    #Out:Memory Serialized 1x Replicated

    Code style

    每个 method、transformation、action 单独一行

    # Final version
     .map(lambda y: y - 1)
     .filter(lambda x: x < 10)



          本文标题:CS190 Scalable Machine Learning
