Did Mark Zuckerberg steal Winkle

Did Mark Zuckerberg steal Winkle

作者: Matcine | 来源:发表于2017-02-05 03:14 被阅读29次
The Social Network

Tonight, I was sort of bored. So, I opened my to-watch movie list and chose a movie to download. The movie which I expected to watch called the social network. Before watching it, the only thing I know is that the movie is talking the Legendary creation of Facebook, which quickly attracts my attention compared to the other movies.

Firstly, it is definitely a splendid movie which depicts how Mark Zuckerberg accidentally invent Facebook but facing the coming fame, friends’ betray, revenge, and responsibility. In fact, it’s not Facebook; it’s Facemash, a stupid idea that only a genius computer hacker could dream up in which he hacks into Harvard’s computer system, downloads all photos from the university’s houses and asks students to vote on which girls are the hottest. In here, The scene depicts how girls enjoy the engagement of a upper-class club party, phoenix, pop out while showing dozens of boy are voting hot girl. Also, the scene that Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) smiled like a happy, innocent child when he received the invitation from Phoenix Club.

These scenes do perfectly restore a real atmosphere in university.

Fincher also places events in milieus that ring true. His portrait of campus life among America's elite is pitch-perfect, every bit as much as the drug-and-party excesses of Silicon Valley and the war rooms of corporate attorneys.-The Social Network -- Film Review

However, Mark is not kind of person who will really engage clubs, because in the very first scene Mark’s talking a mile a minute with his girlfriend in a fully egocentric attitude. Soon, his girlfriend, Erica get tired of his insulting, offensive language and break up with Mark. Here shows the guy who could revolutionize the world, but couldn’t communicate with people properly. Because he will blindly ignore anyone else’s perspective to defense his talking. So, if Mark gets into the Phoenix, he probably will have a fight with others.

When I was watching the movies, for several times, I certainly doubted that “Is he a real representation of Mark Zuckerberg in life?” However, it’s not a factual representation. It’s a real life Portray, a caricature which do capture the essence of Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg exactly was a person which has crazy ideas in a small head, take efficient action with a scruffy slippery, and talks a mile a minute in a geek’s way, when he was in college. "You know, I could swear he was looking at you when he said the next Bill Gates could be right in this room."

So who is Mark Zuckerberg? He is the guy you see in the film. A young, obsessed entrepreneur who is not caught at parties with Sean Parker doing cocaine not only because he does not like drugs, but because he does not like parties or anything that takes him away from Facebook. He is the socially handicapped young man who gave us the best platform in the world, to be social. He is THE design mind of the social internet. And if you want to know what I think, personally, I like Mark as he is, and love Facebook. I just know what our next conversation topic will be when we meet again, and that is? Yes, Facebook.- The Social Network Is Not Factual, but It Is a Realistic Portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg from The Huffington Post

At the end of the movie, I rose up a question: Did Mark Zuckerberg steal other's idea to found Facebook? That’s a controversial question which has been existed and discussed for many years.  Also, it already has a result. The people who were stole idea called Winklevoss brother, a twins in Harvard university suited Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. The Winklevoss brothers claimed Mark stole their ConnectU idea to create the popular social networking site, and ultimately received $65 million. For my take, Steve Jobs have said:"Good artists copy; great artists steal", Is Mark Zuckerberg a great artist? Yes, in my perspective. Mark Zuckerberg is more insightful about social network instead of only dating in Winklevoss's eyes. So, he is not copying or stealing, is innovating. Mark saw many steps in advance of connection and didn't limit it, such as news stream, advertising, and new kind of relationship with friends. For now, Facebook is leading an entire revolution happened in the way of communication and exchange which existing for thousands of years. Mark Zuckerberg is making the world into a better place.



      本文标题:Did Mark Zuckerberg steal Winkle
