Day 54 Review

Day 54 Review

作者: Hich99en | 来源:发表于2017-11-19 21:41 被阅读2次

    Day 54 Review-英语学习打卡
    Date:19th Nov 9:30-10:00

    以下学过的视频跟读3遍,再次录音get cold feet
    →taste of your own medicine
    →get cold feet
    →a heart of gold

    Welcome to English in a Minute.
    What would you think if you heard someone say,...
    ..."I'm getting cold feet."
    Did she forget to put on her shoes?
    Is she standing in snow?
    Let's listen and see whether we can figure this out.

    Are you going to enter the photo contest?
    I don't know.
    Oh, you should. You're so talented. Your pictures are beautiful!
    You're just being nice. But I'm getting cold feet. I don't know if I'm good enough.

    If you say "I am getting cold feet", it means that you are afraid...
    ...or uncomfortable about doing something.
    For example, people say a person is getting cold feet if he or she is supposed to get married,...
    ...but calls off or cancels the wedding.
    This is a very common, informal phrase.
    And that's English in a Minute.

    Day 54 Review Day 54 Review Day 54 Review



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