

作者: 歸鶴樓主 | 来源:发表于2020-03-24 15:04 被阅读0次

    译按:这类对话体原本就不易捕捉,而此篇经过了选编者Raymond Martin的删选,虽有精心连缀,但难免文意跳跃。此篇译文属勉强为之。

    Krishnamurti: So what is the self? The whole process of identification: my house, my name, my possessions, what I will be, the success, the power, the position, the prestige—the identification process is the essence of the self.

    Can this identification come to an end if thought doesn't identify itself with possessions, because identification gives it pleasure, position, security? The root of the self is the movement of thought.

    When thought comes to an end, that is a form of death while living. Now, can thought come to an end? Every human being has identified himself and so conditioned himself with something or other. While living can that death, which is the end of thought, take place?



    当我们息心止念,那就是一种“方生方灭(death while living)”。那么,意念能寂灭吗?每人都将自己认同于某事物,因而被该物所羁;意念止息,就是方生之际,自我寂灭;那么这方生方灭,能够发生吗?

    Walpola Rahula: I agree when you say it is not necessary to wait until the end of your life. Buddha pointed out the same thing when this question was put to him. When asked what would happen to the Buddha after his death, he asked the disciple, "What is Buddha? Is it this body?"—just as you asked about the name, the form, exactly what you said. In Buddhist terminology, this is called the kamarupa.

    化普乐 · 罗睺罗:你说:没必要等到生命的终点才息心止念,这点我赞同。有人曾向佛陀提这个问题,佛陀也如是说。有弟子问:“佛陀死后,会发生什么?”佛陀问弟子:“何谓佛陀?是这肉身吗?”这与你谈及“名称与相状”时的话是一样的。佛学术语中,这叫名色(kamarupa)。

    K: Sir, if I may ask, I hope you don't think me impudent—why do we bring in the Buddha? We are talking as human beings.


    WR: Just because I raised the question from the Buddha's point of view.


    K: Ah, no, as a human being I want to know: can one live in daily life without the self?


    WR: Of course, my question was not that. The question is what happens to the person who has realized the truth, who has become liberated, free.


    K: I would never ask that question, because he might say this happens, or he might say that happens, or nothing happens. Then it becomes a theory to me, which is an idea.


    WR: I wanted from you a little more than that.


    K: Ah, you want from me.


    WR: Not a theory.


    K: If you want it from this person who is talking, you have to inquire as he is inquiring. And therefore he asks: is it possible to live in daily life—not at the end of one's existence, in daily life—without this identification process, which brings about the structure and the nature of the self, which is the result of thought?


    Can the movement of thought end while I am living? That is the question, rather than what happens when I die. The 'me' is merely a movement of thought. Thought itself is very limited. So can a human being, you or I or any of us, can we live without the movement of thought, which is the essence of the self?


    Suppose the speaker, this person says: yes, it is possible, I know it is possible, then what? What value has it to you? Either you accept it; or you say: don't be silly, and walk away, as it is not possible, and you leave it. But if you want to inquire and say: look, is it possible?—let's find out, not as an idea, but as an actuality in daily life.


    G. Narayan: Dr. R, we have been talking in this context of the value of Buddhist meditation, preparation, practice, mindfulness. What is the value of all those things that are mentioned in the Buddhist literature, which is practiced as a very important thing in relation to the ending of thought?


    K: Sir, I hope you don't think me impudent or irreverent to what the Buddha said. I personally haven't read all these things. I don't want to read a thing about all this. They may be correct or not correct, they may be under illusion or not under illusion, they may have been put together by disciples, and what the disciples do with their gurus is appalling—twist everything.

    So I say: look, I don't want to start with somebody telling me what to do, or what to think. I have no authority. I say: look, as a human being—suffering, going through agonies, sex and mischief, and terror, and all the rest of it—in inquiring into all that I come to the point, which is thought. That's all.



    I don't have to know all the literature in the world, which will only condition further thinking. So forgive me for putting it that way: I brush all that aside. We have done this—Christians, I have met Christians, Benedictine monks. Jesuits, great scholars, always quoting, quoting, quoting, believing this is so, this is not so. You understand sir? I hope you don't think I am irreverent.

    You see, I only start with what is a fact, for me. What is a fact, not according to some philosophers and religious teachers and priests, a fact: I suffer, I have fear, I have sexual demands. How am I to deal with all these tremendously complex things which make my life?—and I am so utterly miserable, unhappy. From there I start, not from what somebody said, that means nothing. I am not belittling—forgive me—the Buddha, I wouldn't.



    WR: That, I know; I know you have the highest respect for the Buddha. But we have the same attitude, and I want to examine it with you. That is why I put the question.


    K: No, sir, not quite, sir, forgive me for saying so, not quite. I start with something which is common to all of us. Not according to the Buddha, not according to some Christian God or Hindu or some group, to me all that is totally irrelevant. They have no place because I suffer; I want to find out to end it.


    I see the root of all this confusion, uncertainty, insecurity, travail, effort, the root of this is the self, the 'me'. Now is it possible to be free of the 'me', which produces all this chaos, both outwardly, politically, religiously, economically, and all the rest of it, and also inwardly, this constant struggle, constant battle, constant effort? I am asking, can thought end? So thought has no future—that which ends then has a totally different beginning, not the beginning of the 'me', ending and picking up again later.


    Can this thought end? The priest comes along and says: yes it can end, only identify yourself with Christ, with the Buddha—you follow? Identify, forget yourself. Some people have said, suppress it, identify the self with the highest, which is still the movement of thought. Some people have said, burn out all the senses. They have done it: fasting, do everything for this thing.


    Somebody like me comes along and says: effort is the very essence of the self. Do we understand that? Or has it become an idea, and we carry that idea out? A person like me says: effort of any kind only strengthens the self. Now how do you receive that statement? When you eat, you are eating because you are hungry. The stomach receives the food, there is no idea of receiving the food. So can you listen—listen—without the idea of receiving, or accepting, or denying, or arguing, just listen to a statement? It may be false, it may be true, but just listen to it. Can you do it?


    After carefully explaining the mood of thought which identifies itself with the form, with the name, with this and that and the other thing—after explaining very carefully, it is said that thought is the very root of the self. Now how do we receive, listen to the truth of that fact, that thought is the root of the self? Is it an idea, a conclusion, or is it an absolute, irrevocable fact?


    WR: If you ask me, it is a fact. You see, I listen to it, receive it. I see it.


    K: Are you listening as a Buddhist—forgive me for putting it that way?


    WR: I don't know.


    K: No, you must know.


    WR: I am not identifying anything at all. I am not listening to you as a Buddhist or a non-Buddhist.


    K: I am asking you, sir, are you listening as a Buddhist? Are you listening as a person who has read a great deal about the Buddha and about what the Buddha has said, and therefore you are comparing and therefore you have gone away from listening? So, are you listening? I am not being personal, sir; forgive me.


    WR: Oh, you can be quite free with me—I won't misunderstand you and you won't misunderstand me.


    K: No, no. I don't mind you misunderstanding me at all. I can correct it. Are you listening to the idea, to the words, and the implications of those words, or are you listening without any sense of verbal comprehension, which you have gone through quickly, and you say: yes, I see the absolute truth of that?


    WR: That is what I said.


    K: Do you?


    WR: Yes.


    K: No, sir. Then it is finished. It is like seeing something tremendously dangerous, it is over, you don't touch it. I wonder if you see it.

    When you say something to me about what the Buddha has said, I listen. I say, he is just quoting from what Buddha has said, but he is not saying something I want to know. He is telling me about the Buddha, but I want to know what you think, not what Buddha thought, because then we are establishing a relationship between you and me, and not between you, Buddha, and me. I wonder if you see that.



    David Bobm: It seems to me this question of identification is the main one, it is very subtle, in spite of all that you have said, identification still goes on.

    戴维 · 鲍姆:在我看来,认同问题才是主要的,非常微妙。虽然你说了那么多,认同感依然在运转中。

    K: Of course.


    DB: It seems to be built into us.


    Questioner: And this raises a question whether that identification can be ended—if I understood rightly.


    DB: Identification prevented listening freely, openly, because one listens through the identification.


    K: What does identification mean? Why do human beings identify themselves with something: my car, my house, my wife, my children, my country, my god, my—you follow? Why?


    Q: To be something, perhaps.


    K: Let's inquire why. I identify not only with outward things, but also inwardly with my experience. I identify with experience and say: this is my experience. Why do human beings go through this all the time?


    DB: At one stage you said we identify with our sensations, for example, our senses, and this seems very powerful. What would it be not to identify with our sensations?


    K: When I listen, am I listening to identify myself with the fact, or is there no identification at all and therefore listening with a totally different ear? Am I hearing with the ears of my hearing, or am I hearing with total attention? Am I listening with total attention or is my mind wandering off and saying, "Oh my goodness, this is rather boring"?


    Can I attend so completely that there is only the act of listening and nothing else, no identification, no saying: yes, that is a good idea, bad idea, that's true, that's false—which are all processes of identification—but without any of those movements, can I listen?


    When I do so listen, then what? The truth that thought is the essence of the self, and the self creates all this misery, is finished. I don't have to meditate, I don't have to practice; it is over when I see the danger of these things. Can we listen so completely that there is the absence of the self? And one says: can I see, observe something without the self—which is, my country, I love that sky, it is a beautiful sky, and all the rest of that. The ending of thought, which is the ending, or cutting at the very, very root of the self—a bad simile, but take that—when there is such active, attentive, nonidentifying attention, then does the self exist?


    I need a suit, why should there be identification in getting a suit? I get it; there is getting it. So the active listening implies listening to the senses, to my taste, the whole sensory movement. I mean, you can't stop the senses, then you would be paralyzed. But the moment I say, "That's a marvelous taste, I must have more of that"—begins the whole identification.


    DB: It seems to me that that is the general condition of mankind, to be identifying with the senses. Now how are we going to change that?


    K: That is the whole problem sir. Mankind had been educated, conditioned for millennia, to identify with everything: my guru, my house, my god, my country, my king, my queen, and all the horror that goes on.


    DB: You see, with each one of those there is a sensation.


    K: It is a sensation, which you call experience. When there is the ending of the self, what takes place? Not at the end of my life, not when the brain becomes deteriorated; when the brain is very, very active, quiet, alive, what then takes place, when the self is not? Now, how can you find out, sir?


    Say, X has ended the self completely, not picks it up in the future, another day, but ends it completely; he says: yes, there is a totally different activity which is not the self. What good is that to me, or to any of us? He says: yes, it can end, it is a different world altogether, different dimension: not a sensory dimension, not an intellectual projected dimension, something totally different. I say he must be either a cuckoo, a charlatan, or a hypocrite; but I want to find out, not because he says so, but I want to find out.


    Can I, as a human being—living in this tremendously ugly, brutal, violent world, economically, socially, morally, and all the rest of it—live without the self? I want to find out. And I want to find out not as an idea; I want to do it, it's my passion. Then I begin to inquire: why is there identification with the form, with the name?—it is not very important whether you are K or W or Y. So you examine this very, very carefully, not to identify yourself with anything, with sensation, with ideas, with a country, with an experience. You understand sir? Can you do it? Not vaguely and occasionally, but with passion, with intensity to find out.


    Then what place has thought? You understand, sir? What place has thought? Has it any place at all? Obviously, when I am talking I am using words, the words are associated with memory and so on and so on, so there is thinking there—not with me, there is very little thinking as I am talking, don't let's go into that.


    So thought has a place. When I have to catch a train, when I have to go to the dentist, when I go to do something, thought has its place. But it has no place psychologically as when there is the identifying process taking place. Right? I wonder if you see.


    DB: You are saying it is identification that makes thought do all the wrong things.


    K: That's right. Identification has made thought do the wrong things.


    DB: It would be all right otherwise.


    K: Otherwise thought has its place.


    DB: But when you say no identification, you mean the self is empty, that it has no content, doesn't it?


    K: There are only sensations.


    DB: Sensations, but they are not identified. They are just going on, do you mean?


    K: Yes, sensations are going on.


    DB: Outside or inside.


    K: Inside.


    GN: And you are also implying there is no slipping back.


    K: Of course not. When you see something most dangerous, you don't slip back or go forward; it is dangerous. Sir, then is that death? That is the question we began with. Is there a living with the sensations fully awakened?—they are awakened, they are alive, but the nonidentifying with sensation deprives, wipes away the self. We said that. Is it possible to live a daily life with death, which is the ending of the self? The moment you have an insight, it is finished.


    DB: Would you say the insight transforms the person?


    K: The insight transforms not only the state of the mind, but the brain cells themselves undergo a change.


    DB: Therefore the brain cells being in a different state behave differently; it is not necessary to repeat the insight.


    K: Either it is so, or it is not so. I am left with this now—I am left with the question of what is death. Is the ending of the self death?—death in the ordinary accepted sense of the word. It is not, obviously, because the blood is circulating, the brain is working, the heart is pumping, and all the rest of it.


    DB: It is still alive.


    K: It is alive but the self is nonexistent because there is no identification of any kind. This is a tremendous thing. Nonidentification with anything, with experience, with belief, with a country, with ideas, with ideals, wife, husband, love, no identification at all.


    Is that death? People who call that death say: my god, if I don't identify myself with my something or other, why I am nothing. So they are afraid of being nothing—then identify. But nothingness is not a thing—you understand, sir, not a thing—therefore it is quite a different state of mind. Now that is death while there is living, breathing, sensations, the heart beating, the blood circulating, the brain active, undamaged. But our brains are damaged.


    DB: Can this damage be healed? Is it possible to heal the damage?


    K: Insight, that is what I want to get at. Our brains are damaged. For thousands of years we have been hurt psychologically, inwardly, and that hurt is part of our brain cells, remembered hurts: the propaganda for two thousand years that I am a Christian, that I believe in Jesus Christ, which is a hurt; or I am a Buddhist—you follow, sir—that is a hurt. So our brains are damaged. To heal that damage is to listen very carefully, to listen, and in the listening to have an insight into what is being said, and therefore there is immediately a change in the brain cells. Therefore there is no identification, complete and total.


    Do you see the truth that identification is the root of the self, with thought and all the rest of it? That is an absolute fact, like a cobra, like a dangerous animal, like a precipice, like taking deadly poison. So there is no identification, absolutely, when you see the danger.


    Then what is my relationship to the world, to nature, to my woman, man, child? When there is no identification, is there indifference, callousness, brutality? Do I say, "I don't identify," and put my nose in the air?


    I am asking, sir, is this nonidentification an ideal, a belief, an idea which I am going to live with and therefore my relationship to the dog, to the wife, to the husband, to the girl, or whatever it is becomes very superficial, casual. It is only when identification is absolutely cut out of one's life that there is no callousness, because then relationship is real.

    13. Brockwood Park, 2nd conversation with Prof. Bohm, Mr. Narayan, and two Buddhist scholars, 23 June 1978.






