Free Range Mom

Free Range Mom

作者: 变形的城堡 | 来源:发表于2016-10-09 10:08 被阅读0次

A mom whose daughter and her sleeping over friend snuck out of home and were caught by police at 3:00 am  was warned by the officer that she might be charged with felony and her daughter might be taken away. Being quite shocked, frightened and furious, she asked in Quaro that "Is it illegal in the USA to be a free range parent this year (2016)?"

One answered that "I think this is largely a matter of local community values. Helicopter parenting is a middle class value and, as this is a working class neighborhood, that value is not given much credence here." I am totally sure that I am in the working class, Lol.

And another one said "The culture has shifted from, 'mind your own business' to, 'everyone's business is your business and you know best'." That is so true.

The good news is that President Obama Signed First Federal Free-Range Kids Legislation last year. This law guarantees that parents can't be punished for allowing their kids to travel to and from school in whatever way they (the parents) believe is age-appropriate. Of course, each state is free to enact overriding local laws, but this is a great step in the right direction.

I am really tired of being told how to parent my kids.


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