1. 项飙文:认为新工人阶级无法形成和工作洞有关?
2Daivid Harvey 中国演讲
4. 整理urban SOCIOLOGY 书单一份
Jane Jacobs - Death and Life of Great American Cities
Kennneth Jackson - Crabgrass Frontier
Jeff Speck - Walkable Cities
Kevin Lynch - Image of the City
Logan & Molotch - Urban Fortunes (theoretically very important book for urban development)
These are more empirical. But good cases to read)
William Cronon - Nature’s Metropolis
Herbert Gans - The Urban Villagers (interesting to compare to migrants in China thesedays)
Henry Binford - The First Suburbs (more historical, but intersting empirical case)
(These two go together, don’t read the whole book, get summaries)
Sassen - Global Cities
Manuel Castells - The Rise of Network Society