- The sandbox is not in sync with
- The sandbox is not in sync with
- The sandbox is not in sync with
- The sandbox is not in sync with
- The sandbox is not in sync with
- The sandbox is not in sync with
- The sandbox is not sync with the
- The sandbox is not in sync with
- The sandbox is not in sync with
- The sandbox is not in sync with
升级Xcode 15.4 后报错
解决: 找到项目文件的根目录下的Podfile.lock文件,然后再找到Pods文件夹下的Manifest.lock文件,接着复制项目根目录下的Podfile.lock文件的全部内容,直接替换Pods文件夹下的Manifest.lock文件内容,然后重新运行项目,就解决问题了。