

作者: 是hoho呀 | 来源:发表于2024-05-27 20:45 被阅读0次


the basic presentation framework is 4 parts 👇

About me



3、design philosophy(quickly but important part)

· what do you believe in.

    Some values that might be important to you. What makes you stand apart. What do you     really value when it comes to being a designer.


· what are your core values when it comes to design.

·How do you approch your work

·Things that are important to you and things that you bring to the table when it comes to desgin.(📒bring to the table 带来价值)

My Journey

· how I got here. What you do. Your core strengths、skills……

· 🌰Maybe spoke at a conferenc, organized a meet-up. Because it helps show the all-rounded picture of who you are.

Case Studies(most important)

· start from the strongest case.

· Distilling the information down a little bit more, making it more visual. Let the work shine.

· Frame the problem. Start with the context problem and goal. What were you doing, who was for, what was the problem that you were trying to solve.

· Walk through expirations. Show your behind the scenes messy. Design process. Share any explorations, any refinement. in collaborations that you did with other team members.

· Outcome how you got the final design. How the final solution solves the problem. Share any data or results that you got. How did this actually end up solving the problem that you are solving in the beginning.

· It’s also really interesting to see ad path or the edge cases or the weird sight experiences, and the error states that might came up.

· Show that you’ve thought about the bigger picture. How everything fits togethe. The overall user experience. all the different flows and the different things you need to consider.

· Handoff. How you work with engineers. What you kind of handoff and QA process.

· Big results that you got from. what the business impact was. The metrics that you reached.

· Reflections & Learnings.

Final Pitch

· share the value that you think that you can bring to the team.

· What my colleagues say about me.

· Thank you


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