

作者: hanxianshe_9530 | 来源:发表于2019-10-30 08:24 被阅读0次
        const soundColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.sounds;
        const looksColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.looks;
        const motionColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.motion;
        const sensingColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.sensing;
        const controlColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.control;
        const eventColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.event;
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sound_sounds_menu.init = function () {
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('SOUND_MENU', soundsMenu, soundColors, []);
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.looks_costume.init = function () {
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('COSTUME', costumesMenu, looksColors, []);
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.looks_backdrops.init = function () {
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('BACKDROP', backdropsMenu, looksColors, []);
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.event_whenbackdropswitchesto.init = function () {
            const json = jsonForHatBlockMenu(
                'BACKDROP', backdropNamesMenu, eventColors, []);
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.motion_pointtowards_menu.init = function () {
            const mouse = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('MOTION_POINTTOWARDS_POINTER', 'mouse-pointer');
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('TOWARDS', spriteMenu, motionColors, [
                [mouse, '_mouse_']
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.motion_goto_menu.init = function () {
            const random = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('MOTION_GOTO_RANDOM', 'random position');
            const mouse = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('MOTION_GOTO_POINTER', 'mouse-pointer');
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('TO', spriteMenu, motionColors, [
                [random, '_random_'],
                [mouse, '_mouse_']
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.motion_glideto_menu.init = function () {
            const random = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('MOTION_GLIDETO_RANDOM', 'random position');
            const mouse = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('MOTION_GLIDETO_POINTER', 'mouse-pointer');
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('TO', spriteMenu, motionColors, [
                [random, '_random_'],
                [mouse, '_mouse_']
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_of_object_menu.init = function () {
            const stage = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('SENSING_OF_STAGE', 'Stage');
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('OBJECT', spriteMenu, sensingColors, [
                [stage, '_stage_']
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_of.init = function () {
            const blockId = this.id;
            // Function that fills in menu for the first input in the sensing block.
            // Called every time it opens since it depends on the values in the other block input.
            const menuFn = function () {
                const stageOptions = [
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNUMBER, 'backdrop #'],
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNAME, 'backdrop name'],
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_VOLUME, 'volume']
                const spriteOptions = [
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_XPOSITION, 'x position'],
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_YPOSITION, 'y position'],
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_DIRECTION, 'direction'],
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_COSTUMENUMBER, 'costume #'],
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_COSTUMENAME, 'costume name'],
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_SIZE, 'size'],
                    [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_VOLUME, 'volume']
                if (vm.editingTarget) {
                    let lookupBlocks = vm.editingTarget.blocks;
                    let sensingOfBlock = lookupBlocks.getBlock(blockId);
                    // The block doesn't exist, but should be in the flyout. Look there.
                    if (!sensingOfBlock) {
                        sensingOfBlock = vm.runtime.flyoutBlocks.getBlock(blockId);
                        // If we still don't have a block, just return an empty list . This happens during
                        // scratch blocks construction.
                        if (!sensingOfBlock) {
                            return [['', '']];
                        // The block was in the flyout so look up future block info there.
                        lookupBlocks = vm.runtime.flyoutBlocks;
                    const sort = function (options) {
                    // Get all the stage variables (no lists) so we can add them to menu when the stage is selected.
                    const stageVariableOptions = vm.runtime.getTargetForStage().getAllVariableNamesInScopeByType('');
                    const stageVariableMenuItems = stageVariableOptions.map(variable => [variable, variable]);
                    if (sensingOfBlock.inputs.OBJECT.shadow !== sensingOfBlock.inputs.OBJECT.block) {
                        // There's a block dropped on top of the menu. It'd be nice to evaluate it and
                        // return the correct list, but that is tricky. Scratch2 just returns stage options
                        // so just do that here too.
                        return stageOptions.concat(stageVariableMenuItems);
                    const menuBlock = lookupBlocks.getBlock(sensingOfBlock.inputs.OBJECT.shadow);
                    const selectedItem = menuBlock.fields.OBJECT.value;
                    if (selectedItem === '_stage_') {
                        return stageOptions.concat(stageVariableMenuItems);
                    // Get all the local variables (no lists) and add them to the menu.
                    const target = vm.runtime.getSpriteTargetByName(selectedItem);
                    let spriteVariableOptions = [];
                    // The target should exist, but there are ways for it not to (e.g. #4203).
                    if (target) {
                        spriteVariableOptions = target.getAllVariableNamesInScopeByType('', true);
                    const spriteVariableMenuItems = spriteVariableOptions.map(variable => [variable, variable]);
                    return spriteOptions.concat(spriteVariableMenuItems);
                return [['', '']];
            const json = jsonForSensingMenus(menuFn);
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_distancetomenu.init = function () {
            const mouse = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('SENSING_DISTANCETO_POINTER', 'mouse-pointer');
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('DISTANCETOMENU', spriteMenu, sensingColors, [
                [mouse, '_mouse_']
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_touchingobjectmenu.init = function () {
            const mouse = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT_POINTER', 'mouse-pointer');
            const edge = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT_EDGE', 'edge');
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('TOUCHINGOBJECTMENU', spriteMenu, sensingColors, [
                [mouse, '_mouse_'],
                [edge, '_edge_']
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.control_create_clone_of_menu.init = function () {
            const json = jsonForMenuBlock('CLONE_OPTION', cloneMenu, controlColors, []);
        ScratchBlocks.VerticalFlyout.getCheckboxState = function (blockId) {
            const monitoredBlock = vm.runtime.monitorBlocks._blocks[blockId];
            return monitoredBlock ? monitoredBlock.isMonitored : false;
        ScratchBlocks.FlyoutExtensionCategoryHeader.getExtensionState = function (extensionId) {
            if (vm.getPeripheralIsConnected(extensionId)) {
                return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.READY;
            return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.NOT_READY;
        ScratchBlocks.FieldNote.playNote_ = function (noteNum, extensionId) {
            vm.runtime.emit('PLAY_NOTE', noteNum, extensionId);
        // Use a collator's compare instead of localeCompare which internally
        // creates a collator. Using this is a lot faster in browsers that create a
        // collator for every localeCompare call.
        const collator = new Intl.Collator([], {
            sensitivity: 'base',
            numeric: true
        ScratchBlocks.scratchBlocksUtils.compareStrings = function (str1, str2) {
            return collator.compare(str1, str2);
        // Blocks wants to know if 3D CSS transforms are supported. The cross
        // section of browsers Scratch supports and browsers that support 3D CSS
        // transforms will make the return always true.
        // Shortcutting to true lets us skip an expensive style recalculation when
        // first loading the Scratch editor.
        ScratchBlocks.utils.is3dSupported = function () {
            return true;



