

作者: JieYEnglish | 来源:发表于2017-09-25 10:26 被阅读0次



1. Thanks!

2. Thankyou!

3. Thanksa lot!

4. Thankyou very much.


5. Thankyou. That’s very kind of you.

6. Thankyou. You’re so helpful.

7. Thanksfor your kind words.

8. Thankyou for coming here today.


9.How kind you are to help me.

10.Thank you for spending time with me.

11.Thank you for taking the trouble to help me. I do appreciate it.

12.Many thanks for your assistance.


13.Many thanks for your email.

14.I greatly appreciate your kind words.

15.I am very thankful that you are considering my problem.

16.Thank you for your consideration.


17 .Thank you, I really appreciate your help.

18.I am eternally grateful for everything you’ve taught me.

19.Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me.

20.I cannot thank you enough for helping me.

21.I am very thankful that you are my teacher.

22.How can I ever thank you enough.

23.I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to help me.

24.I am grateful for the positive learning environment you provided me with.

25.I have learnt so much, thanks to you.

26.Thank you for your guidance and support.

27.I want you to know how much I value your support.

28.Your lessons have been very insightful and fun!

29.I have had so much fun learning with you!

30.Your approach to teaching inspires me.

31.Thank you for being patient and helping me improve.

32.I wholeheartedly appreciate everything you’ve done for me.

33.You’re the best teacher ever!


34.Thank you for coming.

35.Thank you for joining us today.

36.We appreciate you sharing our celebrations with us.

37.Thank you for sharing this special day with us.

38.We really appreciate your presence here.

39.Thank you for the gift, we’re very grateful.

40.I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful gift.

41.We will remember this day and your contribution forever.

42.You were invaluable today, thank you for all your help.

43.Thank you ever so much for your generous gift.

44.Words cannot describe how grateful we are.

45.It was a pleasure to be a part of your special day.

46.Thank you for inviting me to share your special day.

47.I’m very happy to be a part of your celebrations.


48.Thank you for the wonderful Christmas present.

49.Thank you for the Christmas wishes.

50.I’d like to say a warm thank you to you this Christmas.

51.Thank you for making me feel special this Christmas.

52.Thank you so much for making my Christmas so special.

53.Thanks for the Christmas gifts. I love them!

54.It has been a very special Christmas thanks to you. Happy Holidays.

55.Thank you for inviting us to your beautiful home for Christmas.

56.Thank you for the wonderful Christmas feast!

57.Thank you for including us in your Christmas festivities.

58.Thank you for a memorable Christmas gathering.

59.You are a very gracious host. Thank you for the warm invite.

60.I really appreciate the gift card, thank you so much!

61.Thank you for such a practical gift.

62.Thank you for the beautiful Christmas card.

63.We all appreciate the lovingly wrapped gifts. Thank you so much!

64.Sending you wishes of joy and happiness in return.

65.Thank you for spreading the Christmas cheer.

66.What a magical Christmas experience! Thank you.


67.Thank you for extending compassion and flexibility when I needed it.

68.As a supervisor, you are truly inspirational to your staff.

69.Your strong leadership skills along with your support has earned you much deserved respect.

70.Your support and dedication to your team has earned you much deserved admiration.

71.I am thankful to be a part of your team.

72.The workers have seen your dedication, and we would like to express our appreciation.

73.We are grateful for your kindness, loyalty and commitment to all of us.

74.If there ever was a boss who deserves praise and adulation, that person is you!

75.Thank you for providing us with such a great working environment.

76.I want to thank you for the expression of faith in my abilities.

77.I would like to sincerely thank you for this gesture.

78.Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude for this opportunity you have given me.

79.I value the trust you have put into me and will work hard to maintain it.

80.Thank you very much for putting your trust in me and agreeing to my extended holiday request.

81.Thank you for your support, guidance and encouragement.

82.Thank you for the opportunities you provided, and for having faith in me.

83.I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for giving me this opportunity.


84.Thank you very much; your support is greatly appreciated.

85.We would like to express our gratitude.

86.I am most grateful for your support.

87.Thank you for providing the requested information.

88.Thank you for all your assistance.

89.Thank you for raising your concerns.

90.Thank you for your kind co-operation.

91.Thank you for your attention to this matter.

92.Thank you once again for everything you’ve done.

93.How kind you are to help me. Thank you very much.

94.Thank you for spending time with me.

95.Thank you for taking the trouble to help me. I do appreciate it.

96.Many thanks for your assistance in our project.

97.Many thanks for your letter/email.

98.I was so pleased to hear from you.

99.I greatly appreciate your kind words.

100.I am very thankful that you are considering my problem.

101.Thank you for your kind consideration.




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