La La Land Review

La La Land Review

作者: LuckyEva | 来源:发表于2017-01-01 09:05 被阅读0次

Thanks to Amy and George's Christmas present, which were actually a pair of cinema vouchers, I got free admission to a local cinema. Let's enjoy an authentic English movie without English subtitles or Chinese dubbing!

Initially, I was still worried about any possible embarrassing moments if I had difficulty following the lines. I told myself, however, being an avid music lover, there could be nothing better than enjoying a sung-and-danced feast. What's comforting was that as long as feeling calm and relaxed, I wasn't confused with language obstacle any more. Instead, I could be able to capture the rough plots smoothly except several very fast-speaking jokes. Take it easy, my dear Eva, you'd make it sooner or later until you could not only understand but also make high-quality jokes by yourself!

Generally speaking, this film's story line is well designed and I'm amazed at the leading actor and actress's delicate acting skills. Mia, a barista who dreams of becoming a Hollywood actress, is seduced from the street by the free-styling key strokes of Sebastian's, whose ambition is to own a jazz club. Despite the fact that they meet not cute but mean, their sparks begin to fly which is motivated by the natural chemistry between them both. They promote each other to pursue their individual dreams, on the other hand, they also suffer from even more difficult and complicated challenges to their relationship. I can still clearly remember when Mia asks Seb where they are, Seb feels lost and fails to give a positive answer to his beloved girl. Eventually, they succeed in becoming who they want to be, albeit that they don't accompany each other to the end.

Yup, this is absolutely not a film with a happy ending, I would say it's a bitter but beautiful love story. I love this film as it enlightens me how happy and precious it is to stick to our dreams and fight for them. There are a large number of people who are successful but compromised in their lives. They may seem rich and prestigious, however, they're miserably not motivated at their career, thus failing to get a great sense of achievement. Here to encourage foolish me and lovely you with a song named "The Fools Who Dream" extracted from La La Land:

Here's to the ones who dream,

Foolish as they may seem;

Here's to the hearts that ache,

Here's to the mess we make.


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