2021-01-19 3 Quotes That Changed

2021-01-19 3 Quotes That Changed

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2021-01-19 19:05 被阅读0次

What is it about a quote that possesses so much power? A random thought by a person no different than you or me. Yet, the right quote can inspire someone to do incredible things.

Why should you listen to that random person? What makes their words so valuable? When I lived a life of stagnancy, I would have asked the same questions.

I use it to keep myself honest, an insurance policy on my intention for each day. It shows my weekly schedule, long and short-term goals, and finally, those quotes. I usually rotate them in and out; these three have remained through all the turnover.

They have greatly impacted my life and will hopefully add some value to yours as well.

When you don’t respect yourself, you can’t possibly expect anyone else to either.

Discipline Equals Freedom, when I stay honest with myself, remain disciplined, and try to get the most out of each day.

Anger Is Fear Manifested, I ask myself what I’m worried about; nine times out of ten, there’s underlying insecurity.


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