

作者: 水滴光 | 来源:发表于2018-11-09 20:01 被阅读0次

This product has obtained the national patent of China, patent number: CN201820082359.1. It can completely purify a variety of water sources, obtain clean drinking water, no electricity, and easily turn the handle by manpower, so that any water can pass through the precision filter components to obtain clean drinking water, and it can get 200-400g safety per clock. drinking water. The product is small in size, easy to carry, weighs less than 2.0Kg, and its volume is only 11 4 mm, 178MM, 320MM. This product comes with a set of consumable devices. This product is suitable for environments without electricity supply, such as: desert, ocean, war-torn areas, expeditions, natural disaster areas and areas where tap water quality is not good, can filter non-drinking water safely. drinking water. It can be used as a household or as a storage unit for abnormal conditions to ensure safe drinking water. This product is available in two models. 1, for basic clean fresh water filtration of river water, filtration accuracy of 0.01-0.00 lum, can effectively filter bacteria and colloids, rust, suspended matter, sediment, large meson organics, etc., but can not remove soluble salts 2, It adopts reverse osmosis filtration method with a filtration precision of 0.000 lum, which can intercept all substances except water. The salt removal rate can reach 99%, and the saline-alkali water can be filtered into fresh water.


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    This product has obtained the national patent of China, p...

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