

作者: 营养师露露 | 来源:发表于2017-09-22 16:46 被阅读0次




2005年10月,Udo Erasmus博士更是因其在健康和营养领域之贡献获得加拿大健康食品协会颁发终身成就奖。



5.0 out of 5 stars

I am not disappointed. The taste is fine since I'm blending it ...


Bybrian j lucchesion September 19, 2014

Size: 32 oz|Package Type: Standard Packaging|

Verified Purchase

I saw an add for this product in a magazine and since I was in the market for a new way to get my omegas I thought I'd give it a try . I am not disappointed . The taste is fine since I'm blending it with v8 or a protein shake it was never a problem . I did find that at the beginning of taking it after I took it I could smell it coming out my pores during times when I was sweating a lot . I found that by adjusting my dose this didn't happen .

As far as results , I felt at first it was in my head but after some good training runs and races I truly believe my endurance and my speed have both increased and my recovery time to be much quicker . Bottom line for me it works .


没有让我失望, 味道很好。因为我把它与v8(混合果汁)或蛋白质混合,从来没有问题。


就结果而言,我一开始以为是心理作用,但经过一些良好的训练和竞速,我真的相信我的耐力和速度都有所增加,恢复时间也快得多。 最起码对我有效。


5.0 out of 5 stars



ByPontifexon January 11, 2014

Verified Purchase

I've been a consumer of omega oils for years, though would never say I have noticed any overt, or readily apparent health benefits as a direct result of the consumption thereof. Perhaps other responders have had results where they've noticed miraculous changes or what have you, though I find it difficult to believe, especially if the consumer is even in moderately good health.

I do rest assured that, based on extensive medical journals/articles/research, etc., that the benefits are all there, particularly those of neural health. One simply cannot go wrong with the inclusion of these oils within one's diet.

All-in-all, an excellent company and product.





5.0 out of 5 stars

Since I have shared with others This was my first purchase here and I am very happy with the freshness that I taste clearly with


ByM. Warrenon August 22, 2014

Verified Purchase

I have been using the UDO's oil for a few years now ever since I first was introduced to the benefits at a UPW event. Since I have shared with others

This was my first purchase here and I am very happy with the freshness that I taste clearly with every tablespoon. I stocked up with 4 bottles. They arrived quickly and were packaged well. I have given one as a gift. This is such a wonderful product. Please use it regularly 1 tbs for every 50lbs of body weight everyday and you will thank yourself for its extrodinary being its.



我囤了4瓶。 送货很快,包装也好。 我将其中一个包成了礼物。 真是一个很好的产品。 每50磅体重每天喝1汤匙,你会感谢自己的。


5.0 out of 5 stars

Arthritis pain buster


ByEileen Darbyon January 28, 2013

Verified Purchase

Calmed down arthritic knees in 24 hours! I'm so pleased, I have bought lots of vitamins that have had no noticeable effects but this worked immediately! Just awesome product, my favorite buy of the last 5 years, I can dump fish oiil, and likely glucosamine, also flaxseed oil that has been improperly processed and stored. I was buying it from costco, but honestly, stored at room temperature? I was taking inadequate amounts, can't believe how much better my skin is and I have more energy to exercise because my knees don't hurt!


真是个很棒的产品, 这是我近5年来最满意的购物经历,我扔掉鱼油,或者葡萄糖胺,还有不是通过正确加工和储存的亚麻籽油。



5.0 out of 5 stars

Udo's oil is a great oil


ByAllan H.on March 15, 2015

Size: 32 oz|Package Type: Standard Packaging|

Verified Purchase

I have consumed Udo's Oil 2-5 days a week 2 tablespoons/day for the last 15 years. Ever since inviting Udo Erasmas to speak at the 3M (corporate) Running Club and after reading his book "Fats that Heal Fats that Kill", what at the time was known as the bible of good and bad fats. I usually purchase this oil from a local health foods store, but lately they have been having trouble getting it so I purchased some on Amazon. I keep it in freezer until I open it and then I keep the opened bottle in the freezer compartment of my refrigerator and simply take it out enough time in advance for it to pour easily. I put it on top of my cooked oatmeal prior to adding lots of other items (like banana, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, walnuts, almonds, pistachios and soy milk). I run 40-80 miles a week (now 65) and I think this oil has helped keep me able to maintain the ability to run long. Those who think it tasted rancid - check if you kept it cold and whether it was maybe out of date when you bought it. For best storage and health value you MUST keep it cold - the colder the better. Omega 3 oils are VERY heat sensitive and WILL oxidize rapidly if stored at room temperature or left exposed to light. At that point they are no longer healthy oils!

在过去的15年里,我每周吃2-5次,每次喝2汤匙/日。这是源于我听了Udo Erasmas博士在3M(公司)跑步俱乐部发表的演讲,并且在阅读过他被誉为有关脂肪的圣经《愈人脂肪,杀人脂肪》之后 。



我每周跑步40-80英里(现在65岁),我认为这种油帮助我维持跑步的能力。那些认为它是尝起来像酸败的人——请检查你是否感冒了,以及是否已经过期了 。

为了获得最佳的储存和健康价值,您必须冷藏 - 越冷越好。欧米加-3油对热非常敏感,如果在室温下储存或暴露于光下会迅速氧化。那时候它们便已经不再是健康的油了!


4.0 out of 5 stars

Taste horrible


ByAh Loron July 15, 2014

Verified Purchase

Works like a charm. My skin and hair was really healthy and glowy. I notice that I broke out less and my skin was a lot clearer. The only downfall is that it's kinda hard to incorporate it in your daily meals. I ate it mostly with cereal, but I just could not stand the horrible taste anymore and had to stop using it. I would say buy it if you can withstand your meals tasting like heavy melted butter.





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