

作者: 好想去曼大啊 | 来源:发表于2021-05-31 15:28 被阅读0次

The table illustrates how the number of patients, average stays and the beds in hospitals changed in these different countries in 1980 1990 and 2000.

The UK had the highest number of patients among these countries, with the figure increasing steadily from200 out to 240 per thousand. The number of patients in the US had the same tendency  as in the UK, while that in Australia was different with the  proportion increasing from 80 to 100 per thousand and decreasing to 90 per thousand in 2000.

The UK had the longest hospital stay, despite a drop to 15 days in 2000. The stay days in the hospital in the US and Australia had the same decline tendency, the former  decreased  from 14 to 10 the leader a decreased from 18 to 12.

The number or beds in the hospital in the US was the largest amount of these countries, although it decreased from 1500 to 2000.  There was a similar trend in the UK and Australia, although the latter saw a decline in 1990.

Overall, all these three countries had more beds in the hospital to face the phenomenon that increasingly patients. Fortunately the hospital stay days decreased in these countries from 1980 to 2000.


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