1 .Java 程序运行时内存的逻辑分配
method area, stack ,heap ,native method stack
In method area------ there are information about class which loaded.
In heap------there are array and obj created by new operation
In stack------local variance area ,operater number stack
In native method stack 内存------
内存结构2. Java 栈(JVM stack)
Jvm stack 是程序运行时的单位
just like this
jvm stackIn java,每个thread 都有自己的jvm stack,因为 jvm stack 存储着thread的执行逻辑。
3. let us talk about Java Heap.
Firstly,Java Heap divided to different generations.just like this:
Java HeapThen we can see when we create a String obj,how it stored in java heap:just like this:
obj and valueextends:String str=new String("123");
if there is no 123 in constant var in pool ,it will create in pool firstly, then create it in heap,just like this:
creat stringplease think when string is local variance,what happens?
4:we can talk about 值传递和引用传递 now
in order to know what is 值传递 and what is 引用传递,we make sense the difference between 基本类型 和 引用类型
how the “=” work
int num = 10;
String str = "hello";
state1now we do this
num = 20;
str = "java";
it works just like this:
state2from above two pictures,the conclusion is:
对于基本类型 num ,赋值运算符会直接改变变量的值,原来的值被覆盖掉。
对于引用类型 str,赋值运算符会改变引用中所保存的地址,原来的地址被覆盖掉。但是原来的对象不会被改变(重要)。
example 1 :基本类型
void foo(int value) {
value = 100;
foo(num); // num 没有被改变,因为传递只是num的值。
example2 :引用类型,但该引用类型没有提供改变自身的方法。如String
void foo(String text) {
text = "windows";
foo(str); // str 也没有被改变
example 3:引用类型,该类型提供了改变自身的方法。
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("iphone");
void foo(StringBuilder builder) {
foo(sb); // sb 被改变了,变成了"iphone4"。
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("iphone");
void foo(StringBuilder builder) {
builder = new StringBuilder("ipad");
foo(sb); // sb 没有被改变,还是 "iphone"。