高颜值的api文档工具API Blueprint

高颜值的api文档工具API Blueprint

作者: 丶君为红颜酔 | 来源:发表于2018-11-17 11:21 被阅读0次

    参考 https://blog.csdn.net/tjj3027/article/details/80362459

    具体使用参考上面博客链接,就是安装aglio,然后使用它来将markdown转化成html文件。ps:目前我习惯使用后台的swagger,在java代码上注释,具体可以参考https://www.jianshu.com/p/3d777aaa1da0 。 个人倾向于后者,因为swagger满足注释和api一起维护,乃后端福音~




    FORMAT: 1A
    HOST: http://polls.apiblueprint.org/
    # Polls
    Polls is a simple API allowing consumers to view polls and vote in them. You can view this documentation over at [Apiary](http://docs.pollsapi.apiary.io).
    # Polls API Root [/]
    This resource does not have any attributes. Instead it offers the initial API affordances in the form of the links in the JSON body.
    It is recommend to follow the “url” link values, [Link](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988) or Location headers where applicable to retrieve resources. Instead of constructing your own URLs, to keep your client decoupled from implementation details.
    ## Retrieve the Entry Point [GET]
    + Response 200 (application/json)
                "questions_url": "/questions"
    ## Group Question
    Resources related to questions in the API.
    ## Question [/questions/{question_id}]
    A Question object has the following attributes:
    + question
    + published_at - An ISO8601 date when the question was published.
    + url
    + choices - An array of Choice objects.
    + Parameters
        + question_id: 1 (required, number) - ID of the Question in form of an integer
    ### View a Questions Detail [GET]
    + Response 200 (application/json)
                "question": "Favourite programming language?",
                "published_at": "2014-11-11T08:40:51.620Z",
                "url": "/questions/1",
                "choices": [
                        "choice": "Swift",
                        "url": "/questions/1/choices/1",
                        "votes": 2048
                    }, {
                        "choice": "Python",
                        "url": "/questions/1/choices/2",
                        "votes": 1024
                    }, {
                        "choice": "Objective-C",
                        "url": "/questions/1/choices/3",
                        "votes": 512
                    }, {
                        "choice": "Ruby",
                        "url": "/questions/1/choices/4",
                        "votes": 256
    ## Choice [/questions/{question_id}/choices/{choice_id}]
    + Parameters
        + question_id: 1 (required, number) - ID of the Question in form of an integer
        + choice_id: 1 (required, number) - ID of the Choice in form of an integer
    ### Vote on a Choice [POST]
    This action allows you to vote on a question's choice.
    + Response 201
        + Headers
                Location: /questions/1
    ## Questions Collection [/questions{?page}]
    + Parameters
        + page: 1 (optional, number) - The page of questions to return
    ### List All Questions [GET]
    + Response 200 (application/json)
        + Headers
                Link: </questions?page=2>; rel="next"
        + Body
                        "question": "Favourite programming language?",
                        "published_at": "2014-11-11T08:40:51.620Z",
                        "url": "/questions/1",
                        "choices": [
                                "choice": "Swift",
                                "url": "/questions/1/choices/1",
                                "votes": 2048
                            }, {
                                "choice": "Python",
                                "url": "/questions/1/choices/2",
                                "votes": 1024
                            }, {
                                "choice": "Objective-C",
                                "url": "/questions/1/choices/3",
                                "votes": 512
                            }, {
                                "choice": "Ruby",
                                "url": "/questions/1/choices/4",
                                "votes": 256
    ### Create a New Question [POST]
    You may create your own question using this action. It takes a JSON object containing a question and a collection of answers in the form of choices.
    + question (string) - The question
    + choices (array[string]) - A collection of choices.
    + Request (application/json)
                "question": "Favourite programming language?",
                "choices": [
    + Response 201 (application/json)
        + Headers
                Location: /questions/2
        + Body
                    "question": "Favourite programming language?",
                    "published_at": "2014-11-11T08:40:51.620Z",
                    "url": "/questions/2",
                    "choices": [
                            "choice": "Swift",
                            "url": "/questions/2/choices/1",
                            "votes": 0
                        }, {
                            "choice": "Python",
                            "url": "/questions/2/choices/2",
                            "votes": 0
                        }, {
                            "choice": "Objective-C",
                            "url": "/questions/2/choices/3",
                            "votes": 0
                        }, {
                            "choice": "Ruby",
                            "url": "/questions/2/choices/4",
                            "votes": 0



          本文标题:高颜值的api文档工具API Blueprint
