作者将他的采访记录整理出来,然后汇编成一本书,这本书里有很多的高人,这些高人可以像朋友一样去鼓励我们,去鞭策我们,让我们在生活中找到属于自己的位置。我们在翻开这些访谈记录时仿佛就坐在高人旁边和他们进行对话,让他们给我们讲讲他们是怎样面对困难,是怎么样去解决困难的。作者以这种方式让我们有了跟高人零距离基础的机会,作者更是给了我们一个打磨生活的有力工具包,让我们在以后的人生中有了解决问题的有力工具,正如此书的名字一样《TOOLS OF TITANS》(巨人的工具)。
So ,I’d set aside an entire month for review(and, if I’m being honest, pain au chocolat) ,to put together the ultimate CliffsNotes for myself. It would be the notebook to end all notebooks. Something that could help me in minutes but be read for a lifetime .
That was the lofty goal , at least, and I wasn’t sure what the result would be.
Within weeks of starting, the experience exceeded all expectations. No matter the situation I found myself in , something in tis book was able to help. Now , when I’m feeling stuck, trapped desperate, angry, conflicted, or simply unclear ,the fist thing I do is flip through these pages with a strong cup of coffee in hand. So far , the needed medicine has popped out within 20 minutes of revisiting these friends , who will now become your friends. Need a reassuring pat on the back? There’s someone for that. An unapologetic slap in the face? Plenty of people for that ,too. Someone to explain why your fears are unfounded…or why your excuses are bullshit?Done.
There are a lot of powerful quotes , but this book is much more than a compilation of quotes. It is a toolkit for chasing your life.
—— 蒂莫西.费里斯 著