

作者: 黑白书签 | 来源:发表于2024-04-13 20:06 被阅读0次

01 How English’s Global Dominance Fails Us

Although AI generated translation has become increasingly accurate, it lacks the essential human element and the cultural sensitivity that comes with learning a language想到一句话:如果会对方的语言,可有沟通到内心深处

The indifference, or resistance, among native English speakers to learning other languages is a recurring topic of finger-pointing and handwringing among globally aware policymakers. 真的没想到,以为英语母语者是会多语言的最多的群体

Unlike the Anglosphere, most of the world is at least bilingual, with English often in the mix. 确实是啊,从初中开始就有英文课,不过最近国内放宽英文学习的要求了,有些大学甚至取消4级考试

That’s why English today has 1.5 billion speakers worldwide, compared to around 1.1 billion for Mandarin Chinese, 600 million for Hindi, and 550 million for Spanish.普通话竟然没有14亿人吗?也是,中国很多地方说方言

That’s despite English ranking behind Mandarin Chinese and Spanish in the number of speakers for whom the language is the first one learned.不敢相信!!!

accept English as a core component of multilingualism and decisively move toward educating informed citizens who can transcend linguistic and cultural borders.感觉这篇文章是劝英语母语者多学习其他语言

02 Why Heart Disease Research Still Favors Men

While they are equally likely to suffer heart attacks, women are more likely to die from theirs. It’s one of the many symptoms of the medical system’s neglect of women.在系统忽视的情况下,女性还是自己要多多注意啊

Since 2000, women in the United States have reported total adverse events from approved medicines 52% more frequently than men, and serious or fatal events 36% more frequently就连药物都是以男性研究为主???

The symptoms of heart attacks in men are widely known: crushing chest pain, a telling sensation in the left arm, or sudden collapse. Women, on the other hand, often feel nausea, jaw pain, or lightheadedness,女性心脏病迹象:经常感到恶心、下巴疼痛或头晕

Women who start menstruation early, or who reach menopause early, have higher heart disease rates. Birth control pills can raise the risk for blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.第一次生理期太早或者绝经早几率都高,第一次知道避孕药竟然有这么多风险

Biden asked Congress for $12 billion to improve research planning and to set up a network of research centers to focus on women’s health这法案好像挺好

But when Congress passed a last-minute spending bill in March, it kept health funding flat. The Republican-led House did not address Biden's request or allocate any cash for additional research into women's health.这就是名义上法案通过了但是不给钱?真的是漫漫长路不容易

03 What Happens to Your Body If You Don’t Stretch

What is stretching, anyway?

第一:静态拉伸Static is when you hold a stretch for at least 10 to 30 seconds. Reach toward your toes for half a minute, and you're doing a static stretch.还以为是动态拉伸,get新知识

第二:动态拉伸 dynamic stretching. This is a faster, “bouncy” type of stretch repeated multiple times.多做伸展运动让身体暖起来(冬天跑步的时候会这样,还有运动后拉伸)

Why do people stretch?

拉伸的好处:stretching triggers the growth of capillaries that deliver blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your muscles to help them function more efficiently.

However, stretching either before or after your workout does little to impact muscle soreness over the next few days, according to a Cochrane review of 12 randomized controlled trials.不是吧,以为会缓解肌肉酸痛,不过锻炼前后拉伸可以让跑步更舒服

The limitations of stretching

But some casual stretching before or after a workout probably isn’t going to make you any more flexible than the workout itself does.认真的?持怀疑态度

What happens if you never stretch?

If you’re completely sedentary—forgoing both stretching and physical activity—your muscles won’t be able to use oxygen as effectively, meaning you’ll lose strength and endurance伸个懒腰应该也算拉伸吧,想想瑜伽也挺像伸展运动的,但是要配合呼吸节奏


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