Boys and Girls
Boys and girls are in different worlds. My brother Carlos and Kiki got a lot to say to I and my sister Nenny. But they got nothing to say outsides. Carlos and Kiki are the best friend to each other. But Nenny is not my best friend to mine. She is just my sister but we can not pick our sister and we just get her.
I hope that one day I will get my best friend and I can share my secret with her and I can tell her jokes without explanation.
My Name
My name is Esperanza. I don't like it and hope to chsnge it. Friends in school said it is made out of tin and hurts ths roof of the mouth when saying it. I inherited from my grandmother who was born in the year of house. So she had a wild character. So wild that she refused to marry until my grandpa put a sack over her head and varried her home.
For this, she haf never forgiven my grandpa. I inherited her name but I don't want to inherit het life.