- 拉氏:基期 派氏:报告期
- Marshall–Lerner trade-weighted elasticity 贸易加权汇率弹性
- The purchase of machinery is an import and affects the current account, not the capital account, so it is ignored. The purchase of a non-produced, non-financial asset such as a patent affects the capital account.
购买机器是一种进口,影响的是经常账户,而不是资本账户,因此被忽略。购买非生产性的非金融资产,如专利,会影响资本账户。 - The currency with the higher (lower) interest rate will always trade at a discount (premium) in the forward market. The lower interest rate in the domestic country will be offset by the appreciation of the domestic country’s currency over the investment horizon.
因为利率高的货币意味着较高的收益率,为了套取利差,就会卖出利率较低的货币,买入利率较高的货币。但在这一交易中,又新增了汇率风险,因为持有高利率货币到期后,如果汇率下跌,有可能把利差收入全部吞噬掉,为了规避汇率风险,在其抛售低利率货币、买入高利率货币的同时,在远期外汇市场进行相反的操作,即卖出高利率货币,买入低利率货币,以达到规避汇率风险的作用。当大量资金进行套利操作的时候,即期市场上,高利率货币表现为升水,低利率货币表现为贴水;远期市场上,高利率货币表现为贴水,低利率货币表现为升水。汇率的变动会导致其套利的空间越来越小,最终到达平衡。 - Current Account Amounts = Export of goods and services and income receipts - Import of goods and services and income payments + Net unilateral current transfers