Can MOOCs solve your training pr

Can MOOCs solve your training pr

作者: allenfng | 来源:发表于2018-01-09 22:04 被阅读0次



    managers and peers are the best champion of MOOCs.                                                        Line managers have the domain expertise to guide course selection for the development of job-relevant skills. They are also well positioned to support individuals' self-directed learning within working hours: They can balance workloads so that people will have time to study.          Targeted recommendations from employees who understand the company‘s goals ad dynamics is a better way to gauge usefulness than are online reviews from users in different environments.


    One organisation i studied prevents this by asking people pick the most important takeaway from the course and devise a plan for how they are going to implement that in their job. The purpose of the exercise is not to create a formal performance goal; rather, it is to deepem understanding and help people apply course concepts to their work.




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