Background 背景知识
Hachi: A Dog's Tale is a 2009 British-American drama film. Based on the true story of a faithful Akita Inu, it is directed by Lasse Hallström, written by Stephen P. Lindsey, Kaneto Shindo and stars Richard Gere, Joan Allen and Sarah Roemer. The subject is a remake of the 1987 Japanese film, Hachikō Monogatari (ハチ公物語), literally "The Tale of Hachiko".
《忠犬八公的故事》是2009年英美合拍的剧情电影。本片基于一只忠实的秋田犬的真实故事,由Lasse Hallström执导,Kaneto Shindo和Stephen P. Lindsey编剧,理查·基尔、琼·艾伦和萨拉罗默尔主演。翻拍自1987年的日本电影(ハチ公物語)——也就是“八公”的故事。
Plot 剧情

Hachi is a story of love and devotion between a dog and a man. The film tells the story of a university professor has adopted a small Akita dog, named "Hachi".Since then, Hachi sees him off at the station every morning and waits for him to go back home together in the evening. Unfortunately, the professor passes away and never returns to the station, but Hachi is still waiting at the station every day until it died.


Other 其他信息

The movie was based on the real Hachikō, who was born in Ōdate in 1923. After the death of his owner, Hidesaburō Ueno in 1925, Hachikō returned to the Shibuya train station the next day and every day after that for the next nine years until he died in March 1935. A bronze statue of Hachikō is in front of the Shibuya train station in his honor.
这是一个真实的故事:hachikō,出生于1923年日本大馆。1925年在他的主人Hidesaburō Ueno死后,hachikō第二天回到涩谷火车站,之后的9年时间里每一天都等在车站,直到他死于1935年3月。为了纪念它,人们在涉谷火车站前立了它的铜像。



Ken: It's been a year, hasn't it? I wake up sometimes in the middle of the night and think about Parker. He was a good friend. I understand how you feel. Hachi, my friend, Parker is never coming home. But if Hachiko wants to wait, then Hachiko should wait. You want to wait for him, don't you? Have a long life, Hachi.

Mona自己也养狗(I’m a dog person.)
