英语流利说 Level6 Unit1 Part4 Readi

英语流利说 Level6 Unit1 Part4 Readi

作者: 咔哧咔哧大橙子 | 来源:发表于2018-11-02 19:48 被阅读0次

Mysteries of the Mona Lisa

   Without a doubt,one of the world's most recognizable pieces of art is the Mona Lisa.Painted in the 16th Century by Leonardo da Vinci,it continues to attract crowds of people who are captivated by the mysterious woman in the portrait.Her enigmatic smile and penetrating gaze reach out through the ages as if she were alive today.

   Critics and art lovers still argue about her identity.One theory is that the way she posed suggests that she was with child.Another theory argues that her hairless face-no brows or lashes-indicates that she was a prostitute.It seems that in 16th Century Italy women working in the world's oldest profession had hairless faces in order to make themselves more sexually arousing.There is,however,evidence that at one time the woman in the portrait had thick eyebrows.Perhaps they were inadvertently erased when the painting was cleaned.Nobody knows for sure.

   The painting itself has an interesting history.With the death of Leonardo,it went to his friend King Francois I,and then to Louis XV and the Palace of Versailles.It wasn't until 300 years after its completion that it was recognized as a masterpiece.For a time,Emperor Mapoleon Bonaparte hung it in his bedroom.Eventually,it found a permanent home when it was added to the collection of the Louvre in Paris.In 1911 it was stolen by a museum emploee and two accomplices.This theft made the painting famous all over the world.During World War Ⅱit was taken away and hidden from the Nazis,as were many important works of art.Today the painting resides at the Louvre,captivating a whole new generation.Whoever she was,the mysteries surrounding the Mona Lisa continue to engage our imaginations.

Mr.G and Jellybean

   This is the story of a donkey named Jellybean and a goat named Mr.G.For ten years they lived together on a farm owned by a woman who loved animals but could barely care for herself.She had dozens of animals,but the living conditions for all of them were deplorable.Finally,an animal rescue organization came and took the annimals away,relocating them to animal sanctuaries.

   Throughout their years at the farm,Jellybean and Mr.G had been inseparable.Wherever the donkey was,the goat was never far away.For some reason,they had bonded,and nobody suspected how strong the bond had become.

   When Jellybean was taken to a local animal rescue center,Mr.G was moved to a center far away.When he arrived,he refused to eat.Not only did he refuse to eat,but he refused to get up or move around.He spent his days lying in a corner of the barn,barely lifting his head.The staff at the center tried feeding him treats,including apples and sweets,but nothing worked.

   As the days went by,he continued to weaken.The staff had to move him physically to ensure he didn't spend too long lying down.Worried that he was ill,they gave him a series of health examinations ,but none showed anything wrong.Finally,they realized that he was depressed and mourning the loss of his best friend.

   With his condition getting worse,drastic measures were required.A volunteer at the center offered to make the 14-hour round-trip journey to fetch Jellybean so the two could be reunited.

   Once Jellybean arrived and the goat sensed his presence,he rose to his feet,breathed in deeply and rushed to his friend's side.Shortly after that,he began to eat,moving the entire staff to tears.Such a beautiful reunion was inspiring - an amazing testimonial to the depth of nonhuman emotions.

   Since the video of reunion was posted on the Internet,it has been viewed by millions.And from now on,the two friends will remain together.



      本文标题:英语流利说 Level6 Unit1 Part4 Readi
