Not because high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is any worse for you than sugar, but because it is, like many of the other unfamiliar ingredients in packaged foods, a reliable marker for a food product that has been highly processed.
NOT because high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is any worse than sugar, but because it is a reliable marker for a food product that has been highly processed. By shortly putting it, the author just wants us to avoid highly processed products in food industry. "Sugar is sugar", which is another suggestion from him, not only requests us to cut down on HFCS, but also asks us to avoid sugar intake. This idea echos with what has been pointed out before, as he mentions in the previous chapter, "our revolutionary button" --- our inborn preferences for sweetness, fat, and salt.
这个 fructose 是左旋糖、果糖,常常在水果、蜂蜜或者蔬菜当中存在,syrup 是果浆、糖浆,我们和咖啡的时候其实喝到的各种味道,比如榛果 (hazelnut) 、焦糖 (caramel) 、香草 (vanilla) 等等,这些味道都是靠 syrup 去调制出来的。
To repeat: Sugar is sugar. And organic sugar is sugar too. As for noncaloric sweeteners such as aspartame or Splenda, research (in both humans and animals) suggests that switching to artificial sweeteners does not lead to weight loss, for reasons not yet well understood. But it may be that deceiving the brain with the reward of sweetness stimulates a craving for even more sweetness.
其实这三章就是不断地再重复一个观点:糖就是糖。别说有机糖 (organic sugar) 还是人造甜味剂 (artificial sweetener) 、零卡路里甜味剂 (noncaloric sweetener) ,研究表明,通过人体还是动物体的实验,这些都不能证明能帮助我们减掉体重。但是,如果人们已知“糖”=“胖”,那么我就会克制,尽量少吃。可一旦人们的大脑被“零卡路里”这个概念欺骗,很可能激发我们的“进化按钮”,反正零卡路里又不含糖,我这么喜欢吃甜食,就会刺激自己吃更多的甜食。 这样反而可能因为吃了更多而违背了自己的初衷吧。
Some products now boast, somewhat deceptively, about their short ingredient lists. Häagen-Dazs has a new line of ice cream called "five." Great - but it's still ice cream. Same goes for the three-ingredient Tostitos corn chips advertised by Frito-Lay - okay,but they're still corn chips.
If something deceives you, it gives you a wrong impression and makes you believe something that is not true.
deceptively 和 之前的 deceiving the brain 这里通过不同的词性来灵活地表达了欺骗这个意思。
If you crave for something, you want to have it very much.
a craving for...
非常渴望什么,也可以用 be craving for 比如小马在办公室待了一天很想抽根烟,或者小胡减肥很久没有吃甜食了,特别想吃糖等等:
Having been staying in the office all day, Mark has a craving for smoking.
After being on a diet for about a month, Chilly has been craving for sugar very much!