

作者: 李劲悟空超人 | 来源:发表于2019-05-28 09:36 被阅读0次



1. 本来是个动词,后来演变成为介词,但仍然保留一些动词的痕迹,例如在always excepting...或not excepting...的词组中。

2. except虽然是个介词,但是它后面可以不是名词成分而是另一介词短语或是一个状语成分。I hardly see her these days except at work. 除了在工作中,这些天我很少看见她。/ He does not study except under compulsion. 他除非是被强迫,否则是不学习的。/ Except on one occasion, Kant had never been out of Knigsberg. 除了一次之外,康德从来没有离开过孔尼斯堡。/ He was always cheerful except when he was penniless. 他除非是身无分文的时候,平常总是高高兴兴的。

3. except也可以用作并列连词,相当于but,但是意思往往表示前一句的内容遇到障碍或限制(有点像“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”中的“只是”,此时后一句的语气没有用but那样重 ),例如:I like this car very much, except I don't have enough money. 这辆车我很喜欢,只是我的钱不够。

4. except与except for的区别是:except是同类事物中除去例外;except for是大范围中除去小类事物作为例外。i.e Everybody was invited except me. 除了我,人人都获得了邀请(me属于everybody之中)。/ Except for one old lady, the bus was empty. 除了有一位老太太之外,公共汽车是空的(bus是大范围,one old lady是小类事物)。/ The wooden part, black except for a few scattered electric carbon arc lights, came into view. 木质部分,除了有一些零星的电碳弧灯,一片漆黑,此时进入了视线。/ The classroom was silent, except for the busy scratching of pens on paper. 课堂很安静,只有笔在纸上忙碌划擦的声音。/ The office will be empty over Christmas except for the boss and me. 圣诞节期间办公室没人,只剩下头头和我。/ Except for emergencies I have found it easier not to expect any help from my children. 除非遇到紧急情况,我已经认识到,不期待我的孩子们来帮忙,就更加方便一些。

5. 但是except for还可以表示“要不是因为”。Except for you I think I would have failed. 要不是有了你,我想我本来会失败的。/ He would have got away with it except for that one mistake. 要不是又那一步之差,他本来是可以得逞的。放在句末时也可以引入表示转折的一个从句(意思相当于“可是”)。【例如】I'd tell you, except for the fact that... 我本来会告诉你,可是…在这个意义上,也可以用except that...【例如】We would stay longer except that we have no more money. 我们本来要多停留一些时间,可是我们的钱花光了



