BESS【5】FAQ for troubleshooting

BESS【5】FAQ for troubleshooting

作者: JanonWang | 来源:发表于2018-11-15 15:18 被阅读0次

    This document is new and will be edited as questions come in. If one of your questions isn't answered, try submitting a new issue.

    Where are logs and error messages stored?

    Look in /tmp/bessd.INFO, /tmp/bessd.WARNING, and /tmp/bessd.ERROR

    My pipeline isn’t providing the right output. How do I tap the packets being forwarded in BESS?

    BESS supports tcpdump on all module input/output gates. To do this, type tcpdump <MODULE> [in|out] [gate number] [any tcpdump flags/args you want] in bessctl. For example,

    localhost:10514 $ tcpdump port_inc0 out 0 -ne | less

    will show packets, including their Ethernet header. | less was used to not drown by tons of packets.



          本文标题:BESS【5】FAQ for troubleshooting
