- E: Unable to acquire the dpkg fr
- 修复 dpkg: error: unable to access
- 新浪云应用搭建过程遇到的问题
- 无法锁定管理目录(/var/lib/dpkg/),是否有其他进程
- 出现E: 无法获得锁 /var/lib/dpkg/lock-fr
- 2019-11-02 Unable to acquire the
- Ubuntu中对于Unable to acquire the d
- 解决Ubuntu中Unable to acquire the d
- 关闭其他apt权限,Unable to acquire the
- unable to load script from asset
ps aux | grep -i apt
如果有apt-get的进程,记住procss id,比如process id =1399
sudo kill -9 process 1399
或者直接kill掉所有apt apt-get
sudo killall apt apt-get
sudo reboot