

作者: 百家收藏武老师 | 来源:发表于2016-07-14 13:47 被阅读0次

    Zhejiang royal Tibetan cabinet private museum products recommended:


    Name: the junta made coppers when ZhiQian one hundred article in sichuan

    规格:  直径、3.94cm   重量、19.6g

    Specification: diameter, 3.94 cm, 19.6 g in weight


    Category: miscellaneous




    Synopsis: in 1911 October revolution broke out, the big fellow junta in sichuan, sichuan was created in December in sichuan military government took over the coin factory in chengdu, sichuan. To meet the needs of military and movement to protect railway, abolished the clearance Long Mo silver coin, new sichuan silver, copper model, in 1912, the mint formal open cast by sichuan sichuan military "han" silver, copper coin.


    In overthrowing the feudal dynasty established the republic of China in the process of the junta has played an important role (though later evolved into warlords). The junta as regional the interim government of extraordinary times, had issued currency, such as hubei military government and sichuan's military junta, issue a copper coin. Only the junta issued silver in sichuan. Pay this money, started to raise and maintain the government spending, also become a regional currency in the future. So the junta's currency has a dual function of military and civilian currency.


    Is the high-quality goods in copper round coin, the coin wrapped slurry is natural, perfect of primitive simplicity is thick, the mechanism of currency are stamping templates, so watermark error probability is very small, the seal character, "han" sichuan coppers have 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, five kinds of value, of which 100 paper currency remaining specimen, extremely rare. Article 20, 50 COINS casting number. 10 COINS casting quantity, according to estimates when no less than 110 million. Sichuan copper casting material, brass, copper, but yellow copper is relatively rare, red copper is relatively scarce. 100 wen of red copper, therefore, is the world rare high-quality goods, extremely rare. The sichuan copper coin "han" watermark rotated 90 degrees, still see precious, is a fine copper coin has the very high collection value, the appreciation of its future value is limitless. The junta made sichuan coppers on behalf of the Chinese modern monetary culture, reflects the rise and fall of China's modern history, economic, financial and vicissitudes of life, has a high ornamental value and cultural value of art.





