book 21: Macbeth 麦克白
除了知道这个故事,我是真的没看懂这本书想表达的意思, 他有 original text 和 modern text, modern text 我都没看懂。 original text 我好像没有几个认识的单词。
for 81 days he wasted in agony.
the air is sweet and appeals to my refined senses.
people will shred a flood of tears that will drown the wind like a horrible downpour of rain
as long as i can do it with a clear conscience
现在都流行"mindful" ,瑜伽冥想里也说,我们可以玩,可以看电视,但是要mindfully 看。最不鼓励的就是,知道要学习,但是又想看电视,一边看电视一边学习。那也没学好,电视也不知道black widow 和hulk 的关系。 就是没有 clear conscience.
sleep no more, Macbeth is murdering sleep, innocent sleep. sleep that smooths away our writer sleep that puts each day to rest. sleep that relieves the weary labor and heals hurts mind.
sleep, the main course in life's feast and the most nourishingMacbeth has murdered sleep and therefore Macbeth will sleep no more.
终于知道为什么叫sleep no more 了!因为这句台词, 估计Macbeth 谋杀国王之后就再也睡不好了!
if you get what you want and you are still no happy, you have spent everything and gain nothing.
don't worry, be happy!
You can't tell whether it is day or night
come in me as the form of a russian bear, an armor-plated rhinoceros, or a tiger from iran
我就是没有搞懂为什么是伊朗的老虎, 不是孟加拉虎比较有名吗
gravestone have been known to move, trees to speak, to bring gluity to justice
想起,“废池乔木 犹厌言兵“ ,“草木皆兵” 中文的方块字在我心里永远是最美的,但也许语言也真的有相似性。
be brave like lion and proud. don't even bother about who hates you, who resents you.
his running away has everything to do with fear and nothing to do with love
又是瑜伽课学的,acknowledge and embrace our fear, don't avoid or ignore it.
i love truth as much as i love life
周杰说, 我很爱生命。
一下觉得他b 格好高。
life is a story told by an idiot full of noise and emotional disturbance but devoid of meaning.
我看过一句话,很喜欢,说支持我的,不是善良,温暖,和正能量。是虚弱,嫉妒,和不甘心!但发现原来真的everybody have their own little mess. 我觉得偶尔暗黑一下无所谓了。
Sleep No more

都说麦克白和不眠之夜(Sleep no More)是经典套餐,我和77又去看了Sleep No more.
我觉得我看了一场大型现代舞!hip hop 的一种!
我觉得这个不眠之夜最高级的地方是他们跳舞对音乐都特别准,就是我偶像千禧说的,音乐卡的特别好!特别是在ballroom 里那一段!丝竹管弦,觥筹交错的点全都卡上了。在ballroom和完酒之后,麦克白走了,皇后有一段solo配的大提琴,我超级喜欢。
我觉得这个戏有一个bug,就是麦克白是用枕头闷死国王duncan 的,但是他回来手上有血。当然可以理解为,只要杀人了就染上了血腥,或者是让观众有更直观的感受。但是我觉得这里有点...
Sleep No more 是不准讲话的,我还是和77稍微讲了一下话。我才发现,我总是讲话,或者有声音,早上起来就放歌,车里也都是听小说,回家看电视,很少有时候是真正的安静的思考。Sleep No more 可能逼迫我有自己的感觉!现在我总是看书评,看影评,看各种这样的评价,然后有reviewer's bias 可能忽视了自己的直观感受,以后,我也要多听自己的声音和感受!