2020-02-10-Giving the Gift of Mo

2020-02-10-Giving the Gift of Mo

作者: Mandy生活札记 | 来源:发表于2020-02-10 11:58 被阅读0次

Giving the gift of Mobility in a city locked down by Coronavirus


His days are long, 12 hours crisscrossing the city and ferrying people to buy groceries,get medicine and go to the hospital. The roads he travels are mostly empty since the city was sealed off.In his blue and white car, Zhanglei is a rare sight on the streets of Wuhan.




During normal times, Zhang lei, 32, is ataxi driver in this Chinese city at the epicenter of the outbreak. But after the local government abruptly locked down the city, he became one of the thousand people who volunteered to help ease the transportation woes.




Most of his passengers are poor, elderly residents who do not have any children or whose family is outside Wuhan and could not come home because the quarantine. “it is heartbreaking,” he says, “thereis no one to take care of them.”


The free rides are arranged by the neighborhood committees which typically serve as a go-between for local residents and the local government. At current crisis, those committees are in charge of allocating community resources and help coordinating with hospitals.



Like other drivers, Mr. Zhang does not get paid. Many Chinese praised these volunteer drivers for donating their time and energyto help out their fellow residents.


New expressions:

Mobility n.移动性,但是这里指自由行性

Eg. Your right arm has no mobility to move.

You don't have any mobility in your arm.

Crisscross v.多次往返于,来回奔波,贯穿 n.线条纵横交错的图案 adj.十字形的,交叉的

He crisscross Shanghai every day.

Lock down/seal off  封锁  

The city has been locked down because of the Coronavirus

The place has been sealed off the crime scene.

Abruptly adv.突然地,突发地

xxx is a rare sight on the sreets of Wuhan 什么东西在武汉街头是一道别样的风景 

Snow is a rare sight in this city 雪在这座城市很罕见

Wove  n.困难

Ease the woes 缓解困难

Ferry n.渡船,摆渡 v.来往行驶

Ferry people to buy groceries 搭载乘客买日用品

Epicenter n.中心  at the epicenter of sth.

France is at the epicenter of the European Wine Industry 

Go-between n.中间人,桥梁,穿针引线


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