So, I foot on the English study

So, I foot on the English study

作者: sotvokun | 来源:发表于2015-11-28 01:25 被阅读0次

I feel scared because tomorrow I'll join the PETS3 examination. Why I'm scared? Cause I underestimated it until taken simulative test, I found I can't do anything on that paper. So, I give up, I know I can't pass examination. (but I still join it thought)

When I write this, I think maybe I can strengthen my English ability to this way. I know what shortcomings of my English are - vocabulary. Sometime I understand what author want to talk about; but I don't know what he said; for example: A author produced a novel, I bought one and read it, when I read it over, sometime I knew what the story is, but I don't know what each chapters detail are. (but often I can't understand what stories are)

So, I will write blog on this platform everday.(I hope I can do it)

Those bold text is me use it first.(someone is my first sight)  I bold it and add paraphrase on foot of post. I don't know does my grammar wrong, because I just rely my feel to wrote it, maybe I should invite someone to check grammar of each post; and add change log on each post.

Ok, end at here today, I'm going to sleep.



examination : a set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge;

underestimate :  assign too low a value to;

strengthen : make strong or stronger;

ability : the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment;

shortcoming : a failing or deficiency;

vocabulary : a language user's knowledge of words;

produce : create or manufacture a man-made product;

sight :  catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes;

paraphrase : rewording for the purpose of clarification;

invite : invite someone to one's house;



      本文标题:So, I foot on the English study
