What is critical thinking

What is critical thinking

作者: 黑洞王 | 来源:发表于2016-09-20 22:18 被阅读55次

    What is critical thinking

    critical thinking definition

    [sometimes we can figure out a specific concept from its contrast.] So let's start from the concept of feeling. Feeling is a subjective response that reflects emotion, sentiment or desire. it generally occurs spontaneously rather through a conscious mental act. In contrast to feeling, thinking is a conscious mental process performed to solve a problem, make a decision or gain understanding. So now, what is critical thinking?

    the essence of critical thinking is evaluation.

    Critical thinking can be defined as the process by which we test claims and arguments and determine which have merit and which do not. In other words, critical thinking is a search for answers, a quest. So one of
    the most essential techniques used in critical thinking is asking probing questions.

    there are some misconceptions existing about critical thinking. The followings are some tips for us to get a better understanding of critical thinking.

    • the test of critical thinking is whether the reasons are good and sufficient.
    • critical thinking means making sound decisions, regardless of how common or uncommon those decisions are.
    • critical thinking involves the process of finding answers when they are not so readily available.
    • critical thinking can be learned.

    basic activities in critical thinking

    The basic activities in critical thinking are:

    investigation ——> interpretation ——> judgment

    investigation is to find evidence, that is ,data that will answer key questions about the issue. the evidence must be both relevant and sufficient. interpretation is to decide what the evidence means. the interpretation must be more reasonable than competing interpretations. judgment is to reach a conclusion about the issue. the conclusion must meet the test of logic.

    critical thinking and discussion

    some tips for a more civil, meaningful and productive discussion:

    • whenever possible, prepare in advance.
    • set reasonable expectations. you should probably not expect too much of others. people seldom change their minds easily or quickly.
    • leave egotism and personal agenda at the door. to be productive, discussion requires an atmosphere of mutual respect and civility.
    • contribute but don't dominate.
    • avoid distracting speech mannerisms.
    • listen actively.
    • just ideas responsibly.
    • resist the urge to shout or interrupt.shouting and interrupting are rude and disrespectful behaviors, and in many cases they are also a sign of intellectual insecurity.



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