Open Source RISC – Eclipse with

Open Source RISC – Eclipse with

作者: 阿群1986 | 来源:发表于2018-12-25 11:16 被阅读22次

    Open Source RISC – Eclipse with RISC-V on the SiFive HiFive1 Board


    Posted on August 17, 2018 by Erich Styger

    Open Source software has been around for decades. But open source on hardware especially microcontroller is not much a reality these days. But there is something which might change this: RISC-V is a free and open RISC instruction set architecture and for me it has the potential to replace some of the proprietary architectures currently used. RISC-V is not new, but it gets more and more traction in Academia (no surprise).

    I wanted to play with RISC-V for over a year, but finally a week ago I did one of these “hey, let’s buy that board” thing again. Sometimes these boards get on a pile to wait a few weeks or longer to get used, but that one I had to try out immediately :-).


    So what would make that RISC-V interesting? Well, the instruction set and architecture is open source, so everyone could build it.

     Not everything is open source. The instruction set is open source, but not the actual implementation, the peripherals (UART, USB, …) or the microarchitecture implementing all the tiny steps behind the instructions. See https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17392461 for a discussion on this. I see an open source instruction set as a good thing, as there are no royalties to pay for using it. And open source can help prevent potential security issues, but for this an open microarchitecture would help: Spectre, Meltdown, and Foreshadow just be the most recent issue, and they are all caused by the microarchitecture implementation. But RISC-V is definitely driving more to be open source beyond the instruction set itself.

    But more important: it is fast. About twice as fast as the ARM Cortex-M4F on the Teensy 3.6:

    Dhrystone Benchmark Result (Source: https://hackaday.com/2017/01/05/hands-on-with-the-first-open-source-microcontroller/)

    HiFive1 Board

    The board costs $59 and I ordered it directly from the CrowdSupply web page. It is actually an older board and was available early 2017. It seems that newer boards are now green and not black. It features Arduino headers for adding expansion boards or easy access to the microcontroller pins.

    The microcontroller uses an external QSPI FLASH memory (128 MBit). The FE310 has only 16 KByte SRAM on-chip. The board can both use 3.3V and 5V logic levels as it has level shifter added.

    HiFive1 Board Components

    It uses an unusual FTDI UART/JTAG interface (that bit device on the board). I rather wish they would have added a normal SWD/JTAG header to the board, which would solve lots of issues with that FTDI way. For example there is SEGGER J-Link support for RISC-V I could use *if* the board would make the JTAG signals available.

    Freedom Studio

    SiFive provides the Eclipse based ‘Freedom Studio’ (https://www.sifive.com/products/tools/). I have used v20180122 (beta3) on Windows 10. Download the zip file and unzip it to a folder (I used C:\Eclipse\FreedomStudio). It includes the GNU MCU Eclipse plugins for SiFive.

    About Freedom Studio


    SiFive has a few examples installed in FreedomStudio\SiFive\Examples which I can import into the Eclipse workspace (File > Import > Existing Projects > Archive).

    SiFive Example Projects

    Debug Drivers

    The HiFive1 board uses a FTDI device as interface for JTAG to the microcontroller. But by default Windows (and other OS) assume the FTDI is a normal USB-to-Serial device, and not a JTAG debug device. There is a detailed description of the issue on GNU MCU Eclipse. When I tried to use the board the first time, I only had errors with OpenOCD:

    OpenOCD Problem

    Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0+dev-gdd0dd7f64e03-dirty (2018-01-09-17:24)

    Licensed under GNU GPL v2

    For bug reports, read


    adapter speed: 10000 kHz

    Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "jtag". To override use 'transport select <transport>'.

    Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND

    Error: no device found

    Error: unable to open ftdi device with vid 0403, pid 6010, description 'Dual RS232-HS', serial '*' at bus location '*'

    Checking the devices in the Windows Device Manager showed this:

    FTDI USB Serial ports

    Running the HiFive1_Driver.exe in FreedomStudio\SiFive\Drivers and updating the drivers did not work, and I tried that several times. What eventually worked was:

    Reboot Windows

    Connect the board

    Run HiFive1_Drivers.exe

    HiFive1 FTDI Drivers

    Running the installer again:

    updated drivers

    And now the drivers were properly installed:

    Dual RS232-HS

    Not sure what the problem was, maybe because I had to have the board connected while installing the drivers?


    Finally I was able to debug with Eclipse the HiFive1 board :-):

    Finally Debugging the HiFive1 Board


    The HiFive1 board is rather expensive compared to other boards, and that FTDI bridge is ugly (and closed source): a normal SWD/JTAG header would be much more useful and would cost less. OpenOCD works, but it would be good to have more and better options. The really good thing is that the Freedom Studio is Eclipse based, or you can build a DIY IDE with all the components available, so no need for proprietary tools at all.

     SiFive has as well a ‘Linux capable‘ device. So I think we might hear from RISC-V architectures more and more. And in June 2018 SiFive announced two now cores for the lower end of computing

    In a nutshell, I get better performance than the usual ARM cores and it is open source. And I think with RISC-V available more and more, it has the potential to change the industry. RISC-V is not the mass market yet, but I think this is going to change.

    A next step for me would be to explore more the SDK and have FreeRTOS with my library working on that board :-).

    Happy RISCing:-)


    HiFive1 board: https://www.crowdsupply.com/sifive/hifive1/

    RISC-V web page: https://riscv.org/

    SiFive HiFive1 board: https://www.sifive.com/products/hifive1/

    SiFive Freedom Studio: https://www.sifive.com/products/tools/

    GNU MCU Eclipse: https://gnu-mcu-eclipse.github.io/

    GNU MCU Eclipse with FTDI JTAG drivers: https://gnu-mcu-eclipse.github.io/arch/riscv/ftdi-jtag-drivers/

    OpenOCD discussion: https://sourceforge.net/p/openocd/mailman/openocd-devel/thread/2EB30177-493F-47EA-AE8E-D6810045155F%40livius.net/#msg35882522

    libusbk on SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/libusbk/
















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    This entry was posted in BoardsCPU'sHiFive1RISC-V and tagged CPUDebuggingEclipseGDBHiFive1open source projectsOpenOCDRISCRISC-VSeggerSiFivetechnologytool chains by Erich Styger. Bookmark the permalink.

    About Erich Styger

    Embedded is my passion....

    View all posts by Erich Styger →


    Aaron on August 19, 2018 at 23:33 said:

    Cool article, thanks for sharing! I was thinking of trying out one of these boards myself.

    However, I think you are a bit confused about ISA, architecture, and microarchitecture. Microarchitecture,

    is the CPU implementation in hardware that implements the ISA. Architecture is the combination of both the ISA and microarchitecture. RISC V is just an open source ISA. SiFive chips have a closed source microarchitecture that inplements the open source RISC V ISA. Additionally, the Spectre, Metldown, etc… vulnerabilities occur at the microarchitecture level. That is why really old x86 chips without speculative execution don’t have these vulnerabilities. Thus, the RISC V ISA being open source has nothing to do with the potential for speculative execution vulnerabilities on SiFive chips.



          本文标题:Open Source RISC – Eclipse with
