COMP9311 Database Systems WEEK2

COMP9311 Database Systems WEEK2

作者: Sisyphus235 | 来源:发表于2017-08-03 12:07 被阅读0次

    1.Assignment 1

    分为两个部分:先做ER图,建立conceptual model,这部分不算分,Week3会课上讨论,Week3结束会放出参考答案,最迟Week4初;第二个部分是用Week2搭好的PostgreSQL实现之前做的model,计分。

    2.ER Model

    再次强调relationship types:其一是cardinality,课程遵循课上说的ER Notation,即“1”个的时候用“箭头”,“多个”的时候用“非箭头”;其二是participation,如果是total participation用“加粗/双线”,如果是partial participation用“正常粗细”。

    注意:cardinality和participation都是relationship constraints,二者是并列关系,表达时可以叠加。比如,粗箭头。


    subclass的线段如果加粗,和之前的notation含义相同,也是指total participation。

    3.Relational Data Model

    relational model将现实世界描述为有内在联系的关系/表格集合(a collection of inter-connected relations (or tables)),它能简化复杂问题,映射到可操作的文件结构中。
    有两类术语:其一是mathematical的,如relation, tuple, attribute;其二是data-oriented的,如table, record, field/column。虽然表达不算,但是是一致的,比如mathematical relation = data-oriented table。

    3.1 Core values

    relation是relational data model的核心,包括:
    (1)name,在具体的database是unique的,可以和其他database的relation name重名,比如,address出现在不同database中
    (2)attribue,可以理解为column heading。

    (2)associated domain,相关的限制。例如,车牌VIN,它的限制是不能使用I, O, Q,因为这些字母容易和数字01混淆

    3.2 Notice

    (1)relation的instance通常叫做tuples, rows, records
    (2)relation中的attribute必须是atomic的,不能是composite或者是multi-valued,这样无法用table表达。如果name是由first name和given name构成,不能把name当成attribute,而是first name和given name。如果colours of car是一个multi-valued attribute,包括red, blue, black,不能把colours of car当成attribute,而是red, blue, black。
    (3)如果出现上述的red, blue, black,一个车不可能同时多种颜色,如果是red,那么要在blue和black的column上填写“NULL”(NULL的含义很丰富,可以是none,don't know, irrelevant)
    (4)NULL虽然很好用,但是primary key不能是NULL,这样会无法识别。
    (5)Database schema : a collection of relation schemas. (schema is a set of tables)
    (6)Database (instance) : a collection of relation instances.
    (7)unique:DBMS层面,database name必须unique;database层面,schema name必须unique;schema层面,table name必须unique;table层面,attribute name必须unique。

    3.3 Example

    Example- bank database ER design Example- bank database schema

    ER model中的entity映射到relational model中的table,entity的attribute映射到table中的column heading,relation要分情况处理,如果是1 to many,则把1中的key映射到many对应的table column heading,如果是many to many,则创建新的table把两个many的key都写入新table。
    例如,图中customer和branch的关系是home,是1 to many,则把branch的key branchName写入customer的table;account和customer的关系是many to many,则创建新的table,图中命名的是heldBy,这个命名不好,因为如果图表复杂,会难以辨认,最好命名为两个entity的名字连接,Account_customer,再把各自的key写入这个table,也就是customer No.和Account No.

    Example- bank database instance

    3.4 Integrity Constraints

    attribute中包括domain,domains limit the set of values that attributes can take.因为现实世界中relation都有可以取值的范围,比如上文举例的车牌号,或者学号只能由英文和数字构成,一个人的年纪不能是负数。
    同时integrity意味着primary key不能是NULL。
    Referential Integrity constraints describe references between relations (tables), and they are related to notion of a foreign key (FK).
    上文提到了不同cardinality下如何映射,在table原有的attribute之外,还有来自其他table的key,这些key叫做foreign key。与primary key不同,foreign key可以是NULL,但来自同一个table的foreign key必须统一,或者都是NULL,或者都有确定的值。Foreign key扮演了“关联”的角色,使得数据库查询成为可能,它连接了不同的table,实现了ER model中的relationships。

    Example- Referential Integrity Constraints

    3.5 Describing Relational Schemas

    SQL实现了Data Definition Language(DDL),它基于database level,不是基于data的Data manipulation。基本架构如下:

    CREATE TABLE TableName (
        attrName1 domain1 constraints1 ,
        attrName2 domain2 constraints2 ,
        PRIMARY KEY (attri,attrj,...)
        FOREIGN KEY (attrx,attry,...)
                    OtherTable (attrm,attrn,...)

    (2)'don''t ask',在string中表达'时,重复两次,而不是使用'don\'t ask'
    (3)Identifiers and reserved words are case-insensitive:
    TableName = tablename = TaBLeNamE != "TableName"
    (4)数据类型,integer, float, char(n), varchar(n), date, ... (char is fixed, and varchar is flexible)
    (5)操作符:=, <>, <, <=, >, >=, AND, OR, NOT, ...


    Example- Referential Integrity Constraints


    create table Branch (
        branchName text,
        address  text,
        assets integer,
        primary key (branchName)
    --从没有foreign key的table开始,所有写下的内容,尤其是foreign key,前文一定要定义好。
    create table Account (
        accountNo text,
        balance integer,
        branchName text,
        primary key (accountNo),
        foreign key (branchName) references Branch(branchName)
    create table Customer (
        customerNo integer,
        name text,
        address text,
        homeBranch text,
        primary key (customerNo),
        foreign key (homeBranch) references Branch(branchName)
    create table Account_Customer (
        account text,
        customer integer,
        primary key (account, customer),
        --many to many的关系table primary key是tuple
        foreign key (account) references Account(accountNo),
        foreign key (customer) references Customer(customerNo)

    1.no accounts can be overdrawn
    2.customer numbers are seven-digit integers
    3.account numbers look like A-101, B-306, etc.
    4.the assets of a branch is the sum of the balances in all of the accounts held at that branch

    create domain CustNumType as
        char(7) check (value ~ '[0-9]{7}');
    create table Branch (
        branchName text,
        address  text,
        assets integer,
        primary key (branchName)
    create table Account (
        accountNo text check (accountNo ~ '^[A-Z]-[0-9]{3}$'),
        balance integer check (balance >= 0),
        branchName text,
        primary key (accountNo),
        foreign key (branchName) references Branch(branchName)
    create table Customer (
        customerNo CustNumType,
        name text,
        address text unique not null,
        homeBranch text,
        primary key (customerNo),
        foreign key (homeBranch) references Branch(branchName)
    create table Account_Customer (
        account text,
        customer CustNumYype,
        primary key (account, customer),
        foreign key (account) references Account(accountNo),
        foreign key (customer) references Customer(customerNo)
    create table t (
        x integer,
        y integer,
        constraint xBiggerThanY check (x > y)

    相关语法可以搜索regular expression学习

    4.Mapping ER Designs to Relational Schemas

    Correspondences between relational and ER data models:

    • attribute(ER) ≅ attribute(Rel), entity(ER) ≅ tuple(Rel)
    • entity set(ER) ≅ relation(Rel), relationship(ER) ≅ relation(Rel)

    Differences between relational and ER models:

    • Rel uses relations to model entities and relationships
    • Rel has no composite or multi-valued attributes (only atomic)
    • Rel has no object-oriented notions (e.g. subclasses, inheritance)

    4.1Mapping strong entities


    Mapping strong entities

    4.2Mapping weak entities

    要有两个primary key,一个是strong relation的,一个是weak relation的。

    Mapping weak entities

    For 1:1 relationship, we have a choice, and we prefer total to partial participation in order to minimize the number of NULL.



          本文标题:COMP9311 Database Systems WEEK2
