Level 3 Unit 1

Level 3 Unit 1

作者: 杜杜_27a5 | 来源:发表于2018-12-14 11:26 被阅读0次


    Unit 1-1 Listening

    Kathy usuallygets up at 6:30 but this morning she didn’t hear her alarm.

    As a result, sheoverslept.

    She didn’t getup until 7:00, 30 minutes later than usual.

    As a result, shedidn’t have time to cook breakfast for her children.

    Today Kathy andher kids left home early.

    They usuallyleave home at 7:30 but today they left home at 7:15.

    Theyleft early because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school.

    It usually takes45 minutes to drive her kids to school but today it took longer.

    It took longerbecause they stopped for breakfast along the way.

    It took 15minutes for them to have breakfast.

    They ate at alittle coffee shop along the side of the road.

    After eatingbreakfast, they got back into their car.

    On most days,the traffic isn’t too bad in the morning,

    But this morningit was much worse than usual.

    The cars weremoving very slowly.

    As a result, ittook them longer than usual to get to school.

    One of thechildren got to school on time but the other two were late.

    They were latebecause their schools are farther away.

    They were bothabout 10 minutes late to school.

    When Kathyfinally got home, she cleaned her house as usual.

    She vacuumed theliving room and cleaned the bathroom.

    Then she talkedwith her friend on the phone as usual.

    When shefinished talking with her friend, she got into her car.

    She put the keyinto the ignition and tried to start the engine.

    But her car’s enginedidn’t start.

    Her car’sbattery was dead so she had to call for help.

    After gettingthe new battery for her car, the engine started.

    Then Kathy droveto the mall to meet her friend.

    She arrived tothe mall an hour late, but her friend was waiting for her.

    They had lunchtogether and then they went shopping.

    They bothbrought new shoes and something for their kids.

    Kathy bought anew tie for her husband.

    It’s now 3:00and everything is going as usual.

    Kathy doesn’twant anything else to go wrong.

    She wants therest of the day to go as usual.

    She doesn’t wantany more surprises.

    And tomorrow,she won’t oversleep.

    She never wantsto oversleep again!

    Here is a busschedule at a bus stop.

    On most days,

    the buses come on schedule, but sometimes they don’t. Yesterday,for example, several buses were late.

    This is becausethe traffic yesterday was much heavier than usual.

    Bus No. 38 wassupposed to come at 8:40, but it was 5 minutes late.

    It didn’t comeuntil 8:45.

    Bus No. 60 wassupposed to come at 8:30.

    Butyesterday it didn’t come until 8:40.

    It was 10minutes late. Not one bus came early.

    As a result ofthe delays, one man got on the wrong bus.

    He wanted to goto the airport so he wanted to get on bus No.38.

    He expected itto come at 8:40.

    Instead, he goton the bus No.60, which came at 8:40.

    He didn’t noticethat it was the wrong bus.

    It didn’tgo to the airport.

    As a result, hemissed his flight.

    Unit 1-1 vocabulary

    Weddings arewhere two people get married.

    This man andwomen are getting married.

    The building inthe middle is an office building.

    Many people cometo work here during the week.

    These people areat a dance party.

    The woman in thegreen dress is dancing with her boyfriend.

    These two peopleare meeting for the first time.

    They are shakinghands.

    This young boyis brushing his teeth. He brushes his teeth several times a day.

    The triangle isinside the square. The square is around the triangle.

    The triangle isinside the circle. The circle is around to the triangle.

    The square isinside the triangle. The triangle is around the square.

    The circle isbetween two small squares.

    There is asquare on either side of the circle.

    The circle is onthe left of a rectangle.

    The rectangle ison the right of the circle.

    Candies andcakes are sweet because they are made with a lot of sugar. Eating too manysweets isn’t good for your teeth.

    Lemons and grapefruits taste a little sour so some people don’t like them.

    Some sourtasting food had a lot of vitamin C.

    These redpeppers are very hot and spicy.

    Eating hot orspicy foods rises body temperature so don’t eat them before going to bed.

    These foods aredeep fried and greasy.

    Greasy food hada lot ofCalories so don’t eat them if you want to lose weight.

    Healthy foodsare usually natural and don’t include dangerous chemicals. Fruits andvegetables are examples of thehealthy foods.

    Unit 1-1 dialogue

    Hey where areyou. I don’t see you anywhere.

    I’m on thesubway.

    My flightarrived early and I’m tried.

    I’m sorry to belate. I’ll be there as fast as I can.

    Where are younow.

    There are 3 morestops. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.

    I’ll meet you atthe bus stop in front of terminal 2.

    Then we can geta taxi.

    Ok, I’ll lookfor you in front of terminal 2. See you soon.

    What’s thematter Tom.

    I don’t feelwell. Are you sick?

    No, I don’tthink so. I’m just tired.

    Didn’t you getenough sleep?

    No, I didn’t. Iwent to bed later than usual last night.

    What time didyou go to bed?

    I didn’t go tobed until 12 o’clock.

    Why did you stayup so late?

    I was watchingsome videos online.

    What kind ofvideos?

    Music videosfrom all over the world.


    Sure, I’ll sendyou some link if you like.

    Thank, I likemusic videos too. They are really fun.

    Just don’t stayup too late.

    Don’t worry. Iwon’t stay up too late. I need my sleep.

    Unit 1-2 Listening

    Our planet, theearth is the third planet from the sun.

    It is abeautiful, rotating sphere.

    The side facingthe sun is in daylight.

    The side facingaway from the sun is in darkness.

    For example,when it’s daytime in the US, it nighttime in China.

    In fact, thereis a 12-hour time difference between Boston and Shanghai. When it’s midnight inshanghai, it’s noon in Boston.

    The earthrotates from west to east.

    To know whichdirection is the west or east, watch the sun.

    The sun travelsthrough the sky from east to west.

    The sun comes upin the east and goes down in the west.

    Again, this is becausethe earth rotates.

    It takes 24hours for the earth to make a complete rotation.

    And that is thelength of one day.

    Because of theearth’s rotation, the earth is divided into time zones.

    Some countries, suchas the US, have several time zones.

    When it’s 10 amin New York, it’s 7 am in San Francisco.

    Europe and theUS are separated by several time zones.

    When it’s 5 pmin Paris, it’s 11 am in Boston.

    So there is a 6hours difference between Paris and Boston.

    One largecountry, China, has just one time zone for the whole country.

    As a result, atthe same time, some parts of the country can be dark and other parts can belight.

    As you travelaround the earth, the time changes.

    The time of daydepends on your location on the planet.

    When you traveleast or west, you may cross several time zones.

    For example, ifyou travel from Beijing to Los Angeles, you may cross 8 time zones.

    That means, whenit’s noon on Sunday in China, it’s 8 pm on Saturday in Los Angeles.

    For travelers,this means it can be very difficult to sleep after a long flight.

    The clock maysay it’s 8 pm, but for your body, it’s noon.

    This is calledjetlag.

    Kim isa popular Korean actress. She is 28 years old, slim and beautiful.

    She has a largefan club and her movies are very popular.

    Everywhere shegoes, her fans want her autograph.

    But Kim wantsmore. She wants to be popular all over the world.

    Tomorrow is aspecial day for her, she is leaving for Hollywood.

    She’s going toHollywood to meet with some top movie executives.

    The meeting isscheduled for the day aftertomorrow.

    If the meetinggoes well, she’d be in a Hollywood movie.

    This is herchance to become a star.

    She met themovie’s director last year.

    He came toKorean and saw herlatest movie.

    After that, hedecided to use her in his new movie.

    Fortunately,keen’s English is excellent, so she can play the role.

    The directorwants her to play a major role in the movie.

    The movie’sstory will take place in the future.

    At that time,the world will be a very different place.

    Unfortunately,much of the world will be polluted.

    Robots will domuch of the work, and only the very rich can have a good life. The ending ofthe movie is still a secret.

    Even Kim doesn’tknow how it will end.

    But she hopes itwill have a happy ending.

    She wants peopleto have hope for a better future.

    Unit 1-2 vocabulary

    These people arehaving a meeting. The woman is giving a presentation.

    This person ishaving a scarred dream.

    In his dream,something is chasing him, so he is running as fast as he can.

    This old man isa tourist. He is looking out the window of his tour bus.

    This youngcouple is in an art museum.

    They are lookingat the famous painting.

    The sun issetting behind the mountains. The sky is turning red.

    The longest lineis the one on the top. The top line is the longest of the 3 lines.

    The shortestline is the one in the middle.

    The line in themiddle is shorter than the other 2.

    The bottom lineis the shortest.

    The shortest ofthese 3 lines is the one on the bottom.

    The shirt on theleft is more expensive than the shirt on the right.

    The shirt on theright is less expensive than the shirt on the left.

    The shirt on theleft isn’t as expensive as the one on the right.

    The shirt on theleft costs less than the one on the right.

    Winter is thecoldest season because the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. Winter sportsincludeskiing and ice skating.

    Summer is thehottest season because the sun is at its highest point in the sky. Many peoplelike to go swimming in the summer because of the hot weather.

    Spring is theseason when the weather gets warmer each day.

    For manyanimals, new life begins in the spring.

    Autumnis theseason when the weather begins to cool and the days begin to


    Autumn is whenthe trees turn many colors and leaves fall to the ground.

    Rainy season isthe season when some countries get most of the rainfall. Rainy season usuallylasts one or two months.

    Unit 1-2 dialogue

    Hi, I’m sorry tobe late.

    What happened.You were supposed to be here an hour ago.

    Yes, I know butI missed my flight.

    You missed yourflight. How did that happen.

    I got on a wrongbus this morning so I waslate to the airport .

    By the time I arrived, the gate was closed.

    What did you dothen?

    I had to rebooka flight and got on the waiting list.

    Oh, that’s too bad.At least you got here.

    Yes, it wasn’teasy getting on the next flight.

    I had to run tothe gate.

    This kind ofthing happens a lot lately.

    Last week, Imissed a flight too.

    What happened?

    There was atraffic accident near the airport.

    You weredriving?

    No, I wasn’t. Iwas in a taxi. It took a long time to get to the airport.

    The traffic wasstopped for nearly 15 minutes.

    By the time Igot there, it was too late to get on the flight.

    The next flightwasn’t for another 3 hours.

    So It was a longwait.

    From now on,I’ll try to get to the airport much earlier.

    Me too.

    What’s thematter? Why did you look so sad?

    Kit has a newjob. She’s going to Beijing.

    Really, when didshe leaving?

    She’s leaving atthe end of next week.

    That soon?

    Yes, she justtold me.

    That’s too bad.I really enjoy working with her.

    Me too. I’mgoing to miss her.

    Let’s have agoing away party for her.

    Good idea! Howabout this weekend.

    Friday eveningwould be better.

    We can have itafter work. Yes, Friday is better.

    Let’s go to her favoriterestaurant ok.

    Which one? TheItalian one or the German one.

    The Italian onehas better food so let’s go

    there. Theirpizza is awesome.

    Ok, I’ll makethe reservations

    Let me try withit at first. We don’t want her to miss her party.

    Yeah, that’s forsure. And could you please invite everyone in the office.

    Sure, noproblem. Nobody will want to miss it.

    Unit 1-3 Listening

    Paul is a verysuccessful businessman. 

    He owns severalrestaurants.

    All of them aredoing well. 

    In fact, theyare very profitable.

    To be profitablemeans the income is more than its expenses.

    As a result, heis making a lot of money.

    Paul want to buya new car.

    He is trying to decidewhich car to buy.

    He has plenty ofmoney.

    As a result, heisn’t worried about the cost.

    He can afford anexpensive car.

    On the otherhand, he doesn’t want to waste money.

    He wants a carhe can rely on.

    It has to besafe for reliable especially in the cold winter weather.

    If a car breaksdown in a bad weather it can be very dangerous.

    Paul wants tohelp reduce pollution and smog.

    He would like tobuy a clean car something good for the environment.

    He’s thinkingabout buy a Tesla.

    The Tesla is allan electric car.

    It usesbatteries instead ofgasoline.

    There is no exhaustso it doesn’t pollute the air.

    However, the cardoesn’t go very far without recharging the battery.

    To charge thebattery, you can plug it into an electricaloutlet.

    Recharging the batterytakes time.

    One of Paul’sfriends has one and is quite happy with it.

    He says it’sreliable and well-engineered.

    There are also severalcharging station near Paul’s office.

    So he isn’tworry about that.

    The cost forcharging the battery is low.

    It’s lessexpensive than buying gasoline.

    His wife Kathyalso likes the idea of buying an electric car.

    She likes theidea of driving a clean car so it makes sense.

    In the future,there may be driverless cars.

    These may bevery safe but Paul doesn’t like them.

    He enjoysdriving.

    He likes to bein control of his car.

    Unit 1-3 vocabulary

    The man in themiddle is the heaviest.

    The man in themiddle is heavier than the other 2.

    The woman on theleft is smarter than the man on the right.

    The man isn’t assmart as the woman is.

    The woman isstanding under a bridge. The bridge is above the woman.

    There is abridge over the river. The river is flowing beneath the bridge.

    The water isflowing over a waterfall. The waterfall is very high and beautiful.

    People needpassport to travel internationally.

    Without apassport, you cannot leave your country or enter another country. You need adriver’s license to drive a car.

    It’s against thelaw to drive without a driver’s license.

    Many people usecredit cards to buy things

    on credit. Whenyou have a credit card, you don’t need to carry cash.

    Smartphone isvery useful and can do many things.

    You can use themto make phone calls, play games or go shopping on the


    We need to buy aticket in order to take a train or watch a sport event.

    You can oftenbuy tickets online and sometimes you can get a discount.

    Banks are wherepeople can deposit or with draw money.

    You can also useonline banking to pay bills such as credit card bill.

    Hotels are wheretravelers can stay overnight or for several days.

    If you plan tostay at hotel, you should make a reservation.

    Restaurants arewhere people go to eat with friends or family.

    There are manydifferent kinds of restaurants such as Italian,

    Indian orChinese restaurants.

    Repair shops arewhere people go to fix

    things which arebroken or not working right.

    This repair shopfixes cars and can check the safe if it’s safe to drive.

    Coffee shop area famous place to meet new people or take a break from the office. They areusually less expensive than restaurants.

    (If something isbroken, you should take it to a repair shop)

    Unit 1-3 dialogue

    I’m tired ofgoing out to eat.

    Let’s eat at tonight.

    Ok. Are yougoing to cook?

    No, it’s toolate. I knew no one not good cook.

    Let’s ordersomething.

    What do you havein mind.

    I was thinkingabout the nice big pizza.

    Again? I hadpizza last night so please no pizza.

    Ok, no pizza.Let’s order some Chinese food ok?

    Sweet and sour?You always like sweet and sour.

    I feel like eatsomething hot and spicy.

    OK, you ordersomething hot and spicy and I order something sweet and sour. I don’t wantanything spicy.

    My stomachdoesn’t feel good. It’s a bit upset.

    Ok, if you wantsweet and sour then I will have that too.

    And I will makesome salad with lots of tomatoes.

    How long will ittake for the food to get here.

    I don’t know.I’ll call and find out.

    Thanks,hopefully it won’t take longer than an hour.

    I’m gettinghungry.

    Hey, what didyou do last night?

    I took a longwalk from my hotel.

    You didn’t getlost?

    No, I didn’t.

    What did you goanywhere interesting?

    I walked to theriver.

    There werethousands of people there.

    You went to theriver.

    How long did ittake you to walk there?

    It took around20 minutes.

    Did you seeanything interesting?

    I was reallysurprised by how many people were there.

    Many of themwere taking pictures and selfies. lots of selfies.

    Do you takeselfies?

    Sure, don’t you?

    Sometimes, butmy girlfriend takes a lot of selfies.

    Then she sharesthem with her friends online.

    I don’tunderstand why

    people like totake so many pictures of themselves.

    That’s becauseyou are old-fashioned.

    Am, I guessyou’re right.

    There is so muchsocial media for me.

    When I go to therestaurant, I see many people looking at their smart phones. They don’tlook atthe people they are with.

    Times arechanging, my friend whether you like it or not.

    (she took a longwalk from the hotel)

    (she’s tired ofeating pizza)

    (he was thinkingabout ordering a pizza)

    Unit 1-4 Listening

    Christina sellswomen’s clothing in the department store.

    She usuallyworks 6 days a week but this week she’s going to take 3 days off. She’s takingtime off so that she can visit her parents.

    Her parents livein the mountains, about 3 hours away by train.

    They are lookingforward to seeing her.

    They haven’tseen her for almost a year.

    Christina is theironly child.

    Christina isn’tgoing on the trip by herself.

    Her boyfriend isgoing to be with her.

    She is going tointroducehimto her parents.

    She and herboyfriend want to get married.

    If everythinggoes well, they plan to get married in 6 months.

    After they getmarried, Christina plans to quit her job.

    She wants tospend more time designing clothes.

    She wants to setup her own business.

    This will taketime. Her boyfriend thinks it’s a good idea.

    He’s alsothinking about starting his own business.

    They don’t planto have children right away.

    In fact, theymay decide not to have children.

    They don’t knowyet. It’s going to be a big decision.

    Christina’sparents want her to marry and have children.

    They are lookingforward to having grandchildren.

    They don’t wanther to start her own business.

    They think it’smore important to have children.

    In fact, theywould like her to live closer to them.

    They want to beclose to their grandchildren.

    So Christinadoesn’t plan to tell her parents everything.

    For now, shejust wants them to meet her boyfriend.

    She wants themto be happy that she’s going to get married.

    She wants themto like him and see her happiness.

    She wants herparents to accept her way of life.

    Life isn’t thesame now as it used to be.

    Times arechanging.

    Unit 1-4 vocabulary

    Mechanic likethis one, fix cars.

    He’s working ina repair shop.

    A deliveryperson delivers things such as pizzas.

    This personworks for a restaurant.

    Apharmacist sellsmedicines.

    Pharmacists likethis woman, work in apharmacy.

    Thieves, likethis one, steal things.

    This thief isstealing a television from a home.

    A musician, likethis one, plays music.

    This musician isplaying a guitar.

    These people arewearing masks because of the smog.

    One cause ofsmog isautomobile exhaust.

    It’s raininghard so you need an umbrella.

    Heavy rain likethis can cause flooding and mudslides.

    When the sky is


    we can’t see thesun because of the clouds.

    A cloudy skymeans it might rain.

    We need to weara coat when it’s cold and windy.

    In a very strongwind, it’s difficult to use an umbrella.

    We need to drinkwater or other liquids when it’s hot outside.

    When it’s reallyhot, most of people turn on an air-conditioning.

    Here are somedifferent types of things to read.

    Works of fictionincludes narration,

    short storiesand plays such as Shakespeare.

    We read fictionto enjoy stories of imagination and adventure.

    People read the newsto learn about what’s happening in the world.

    We can get thenews in newspapers and online.

    When we buysomething, we often need to read an instroduction manual. Introductionmanualsshow how to put together or install things.

    Non-fictionworks includebiographies(传记) and booksabout science and history.

    We readnon-fiction to learn about different subjects and the real people.

    We can learnabout thelatest scientific research in journals andacademic papers.

    Many onlineuniversity coursesgive a list of research papers to read.

    Unit 1-4 dialogue

    What’s wrong?

    I can’t walk. Myleft foot hurts.

    Is it broken?

    I don’t know ifit’s broken but it sure hurts.

    That’s one wayto find out if it’s broken.

    How?  You need to see a doctor. The doctor can X-rayyour foot.

    Ok, let’s go. Ican’t walk by myself. Can you help me into a taxi?

    Sure, I’ll calla taxi. I’ll get you to a hospital as soon as possible.

    Thanks, I’m surehope it isn’t broken.

    We’ll find outsure enough.

    I don’t feellike cooking tonight. Let’s go out.

    Where would youlike to go?

    I feel likeeating some great Italian food.

    How about Al’sItalian? It’s always good.

    We went therelast week. Let’s try something new. You have no imagination.

    You always wantto go to the same place.

    Right, I don’tlike unpleasant surprises. I just want things to be simple.

    OK. Let’scompromise.

    What does thatmean? What do you mean by compromise?

    Let’s go 50-50.

    This time wewill go some places new and next time we can go to one of your favorites.

    Ok, I’ll compromiseand make your halfway.

    Good, I’ll lookfor some things new and make reservations.

    Great, that’snot go too late.

    I’ll makereservations for 8. Is that ok? Yes, prefect.




          本文标题:Level 3 Unit 1
