
Speaking in Manchester, Miliband said:
A clear vow[1] to protect our nation's finances. A triple lock of responsibility[2].
First, we are the only party at this election who can show how every policy in our manifesto[3] will be paid for[4] - no commitments[5] requiring additional borrowing[6], not a single one.
Second, our manifesto writes the first line of Labour's first budget[7]: ' This Budget cuts the deficit[8] every year. ' That Budget will only be presented[9] when it has been verified[10] by the Office for Budget Responsibility[11].
Third, the next Labour[12] government will meet our fiscal[13] rules, with the national debt[14] falling and a surplus[15] on the current budget.

That approach is bad for the nation's books[16], and you know nothing is more dangerous to our NHS than[17] pretending you will be able to pretect it without being able to say where the money is coming from.
You can't fund[18] the NHS with an IOU[19] and the Conservative Party[20] need to learn that lesson.
The Tories[21] are the party of sums[22] that do not add up[23] and commitments that will not be kept.
We are a party that will keep our commitments[24] and every promise we make is paid for. That is the difference between the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.
Over the last four-and-a half years, I have been tested.
I am ready. Ready to put an end to[25] the tired old idea that as long as we look after the rich and powerful we will all be OK.
Ready to put into practice[26] the truth that it is only when working people succeed[27], that Britain succeeds.
Absolutely there's a challenge for us to show we're going to be fiscally[28] credible[29] and get the deficit down.
I've been quite open[30] about that and I'll tell you why - because I think there are a lot of people at home who are thinking to themselves ' I like Labour values, I like what Labour is putting forward[31] in this election, I want to know it adds up. '
And today the manifesto is proof[32] of that. It's proof it does add up - that every penny, all the commitments we make, are paid for and costed.
Amongst the commitments in the manifesto, Labour promises to:
- Raise the minimum wage[33] to £8 an hour.
- Abolish[34] non-dom[35] rules and zero-hour contracts.
- Create a £2.5bn Time to Care[36] fund for NHS[37] funded by mansion tax[38] and tobacco firm levy[39].
Time to Care
- Increase income tax for those earning more than £150,000.
- Not increase income tax, VAT[40], National Insurance[41] for those on basic and higher rate income tax.
- Scrap[42] winter fuel allowance[43] for pensioners with an income of more than £42,000 a year.
- Freeze energy prices.
- Tighten tax avoidance[44] rules to yield[45] £7.5bn a year.
- Bring in[46] more powers for the Welsh and Scottish Parliament.
- Extend the vote to 16-year-olds.
【vow】n.(尤指宗教的)誓,誓言,誓约 ↩
【a triple lock of responsibility】三重责任 ↩
【manifesto】n. (尤指政党或政府的)宣言,声明 ↩
【pay for】付开销;赔偿(损失);(为某种过失)付出代价;吃亏,受到惩罚;为...买单 ↩
【commitment】n. 承诺,投入,许诺,保证。no ~:不做承诺,无承诺,缺乏承诺 ↩
【borrowing】借贷,借款,贷款;借用的语言(或思想等) ↩
【budget】n. 预算;政府的年度预算 ↩
【deficit】n. 赤字,逆差,亏损;不足额,缺款额,缺少 ↩
【present】v. 提供(机会等);引起(困难等)。交出,提出;出示;呈递;交给(收据等);兑(支票等)。显示;呈现出;陈述;描述。引见,介绍;披露,宣布。呈献;赠送,给予 ↩
【verify】v. 核实;查对;核准。证明;证实 ↩
【the Offfice for Budget Responsibility】英国预算责任办公室 ↩
【Labour】英国工党,即:the Labour Party ↩
【fiscal】adj. 财政的,国库,国家岁入的 ↩
【national debt】国债 ↩
【surplus】过剩;剩余;过剩量;剩余额。盈余;顺差 ↩
【book】n. 账簿 ↩
【nothing is more dangerous (to sb or sth)than】没能比得上...(让某人感到/对某事来说)更危险的了 ↩
【fund】v. 为...提供资金,拨款给... ↩
【IOU】(缩略词=I owe you)借据,欠条 ↩
【the Conservative Party】英国保守党 ↩
【Tory】n. 英国保守党党员;保守党支持者。the Tories(=the Tory party)英国保守党 ↩
【sum】n. 算术,(数字的)简单计算;金额,款项;和,总和,总数; ↩
【add up】前后一致,言之有理,有意义,合理,合乎情理,说得通。add(sth)up: (两个或两个以上的数或量)加起来 ↩
【keep sb's commitment】坚守某人的承诺,遵守某人的承诺 ↩
【put an end to sth】终止或平息(某事) ↩
【put into practice】付诸实践 ↩
【succeed】v. 达到目的,成功做成,办到;功成名就,有作为;预期效果,表现良好;接替,继任 ↩
【fiscally】adv. 财政上,财政方面 ↩
【credible】adj. 可信的,可靠的;(因看似可能成功而)可接受的 ↩
【open】adj. 诚恳的,坦诚的,直率的;人人皆知的,公开的,不保密的 ↩
【put forward】提出(计划、意见等);建议,提倡,促进,振兴,推举(候补人等);使突出,使显眼 ↩
【proof】n. 证据,证明;检验,证实;证明,求证,验算;校样;(酒的)标准酒精度 ↩
【minimum wage】最低工资,保底工资 ↩
【abolish】v. 废除,消灭,撤销,取消。 ↩
【non-dom】即 non-domiciled person: 非本地居民 ↩
【Time to Care】关怀时刻,时逢关爱 ↩
【NHS】即 National Health Service: 英国国民保健服务 ↩
【mansion tax】豪宅税 ↩
【tobacco firm levy】烟草公司税 ↩
【VAT】即 value added tax: 增值税 ↩
【National Insurance】(英国)国民保险制度 ↩
【scrap】v. 废弃,取消,抛弃,报废 ↩
【winter fuel allowance】冬季燃料补贴 ↩
【tax avoidance】(合法)避税 ↩
【yield】v. (税收或投资)产生,带来(收益或效益) ↩
【bring in】(政府或组织)推行,采用(新的法律或制度);赚得,挣(钱);作出,宣布(裁决) ↩