

作者: 心泉Phoebe | 来源:发表于2020-09-14 22:55 被阅读0次

    1. Is there any UWC campus that you would NOT attend? Please explain.

    有没有不想去的 UWC 校区,为什么?(225 字上限)

    2. “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – Dr. Seuss, from The Cat in the Hat.

    This is a very comforting phrase. Describe a time when you feel that the exact opposite happened and how you managed to overcome perceptions of what matters.

    “做你想做的事,说你想说的话,因为介意这些的人你不必在乎,你在乎的人不会 介意。” - 出自 苏斯博士 - 戴帽子的猫

    这是一句让人感到慰藉的句子。描述一个当你感到与这句话恰恰相反的时刻,以 及你如何设法克服那些令你介意的看法。(225 字上限)

    3. Tell us how you have helped others in the last two years. Your answer may include service to your family, friends, school, or community, as well as to an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) or a charity. How was this service meaningful to you personally?

    分享一下过去两年你是怎样帮助他人的。你的答案可以包含对家人、朋友、学校 或者社区的付出,也可以是对非政府组织或者慈善机构的服务。对你个人而言, 这些服务和付出的价值和意义何在?(225 字上限)

    4. “The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was and the present worse than it is” – Marcel Pagnol.

    Using yourself as an example please support or refute this statement.

    “很多人之所以不快乐,是因为总觉得过去太美好,现实太糟糕” - 马瑟·巴纽 以你自己为例,你是赞同还是反对以上这句话?(225 字上限)

    5. Most UWC dorm rooms have four students, and many of your roommates will

    come from different regions of the world. How would you add to this environment for the others in your room? How the others make the environment more rewarding for you?

    大多数的 UWC 宿舍有 4 位同学,并且你的室友们也会来自全世界的不同地区。 你如何在你的宿舍集体中贡献出你的价值?你又如何在这个集体氛围中取得更 多的收获和成长?(225 字上限)

    6. “家风”, meaning “value of family”, has probably been critical to your upbringing. Describe your family’s “家风”,and how this has guided you in the relationships that you have with your friends and other social groups that you are a part of.

    “家风”,意味着“家庭的价值”,可能对你的成长起着至关重要的作用。描述 一下你家的“家风”,以及它在你与你的朋友和你参与的其他社团组织的关系中 所起的引导作用。(300 字上限)

    7. UWCs have far more qualified applicants than we can accept. Why should we admit you?

    UWC 拥有远超我们可以接收的合格申请人数?请告诉我们为什么要录取你? (225 字上限)

    8. Please choose one question from the two options below and write a response to it.

    (1)What is your secret to inspiring people around you? Illustrate your answer with three examples.

    (2)You are a part of many groups. You are a member of your class, your friendship circle and, of course, your family. All of these groups have helped form who you are today. Please share a story about the positive influence one of these groups has had on you. How do you imagine your new “UWC” group transforming you in important ways? How do you imagine making the UWC experience positive for others, many of whom no longer have any traditional in-country support groups?

    请从以下两个选项中选择一个问题写下你的回答。 (1)你启发身边人的秘诀是什么?用 3 个例子来阐明你的观点。

    (2)你是许多集体中的一份子。你是班级的一员,你的朋友圈,当然还有你的 家庭。所有这些集体帮助成就了今天的你。请分享一个关于以上集体中的某个在 你身上所产生的积极影响。设想一下,你认为未来新的“UWC”集体会以怎样 的重要方式来改变你?你又如何使得你的这段 UWC 经历能够对他人有积极的影 响力,尤其是对许多不再有传统的国内支持团体的人?(1500 字上限)



