iOS 类的加载

iOS 类的加载

作者: 瞬间完善 | 来源:发表于2020-01-20 10:22 被阅读0次




    void _objc_init(void)
        static bool initialized = false;
        if (initialized) return;
        initialized = true;
        // fixme defer initialization until an objc-using image is found?
        _dyld_objc_notify_register(&map_images, load_images, unmap_image);



    void environ_init(void) 
        if (issetugid()) {
            // All environment variables are silently ignored when setuid or setgid
            // This includes OBJC_HELP and OBJC_PRINT_OPTIONS themselves.
        bool PrintHelp = false;
        bool PrintOptions = false;
        bool maybeMallocDebugging = false;
        // Scan environ[] directly instead of calling getenv() a lot.
        // This optimizes the case where none are set.
        for (char **p = *_NSGetEnviron(); *p != nil; p++) {
            if (0 == strncmp(*p, "Malloc", 6)  ||  0 == strncmp(*p, "DYLD", 4)  ||  
                0 == strncmp(*p, "NSZombiesEnabled", 16))
                maybeMallocDebugging = true;
            if (0 != strncmp(*p, "OBJC_", 5)) continue;
            if (0 == strncmp(*p, "OBJC_HELP=", 10)) {
                PrintHelp = true;
            if (0 == strncmp(*p, "OBJC_PRINT_OPTIONS=", 19)) {
                PrintOptions = true;
            const char *value = strchr(*p, '=');
            if (!*value) continue;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(Settings)/sizeof(Settings[0]); i++) {
                const option_t *opt = &Settings[i];
                if ((size_t)(value - *p) == 1+opt->envlen  &&  
                    0 == strncmp(*p, opt->env, opt->envlen))
                    *opt->var = (0 == strcmp(value, "YES"));
        // Special case: enable some autorelease pool debugging 
        // when some malloc debugging is enabled 
        // and OBJC_DEBUG_POOL_ALLOCATION is not set to something other than NO.
        if (maybeMallocDebugging) {
            const char *insert = getenv("DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES");
            const char *zombie = getenv("NSZombiesEnabled");
            const char *pooldebug = getenv("OBJC_DEBUG_POOL_ALLOCATION");
            if ((getenv("MallocStackLogging")
                 || getenv("MallocStackLoggingNoCompact")
                 || (zombie && (*zombie == 'Y' || *zombie == 'y'))
                 || (insert && strstr(insert, "libgmalloc")))
                (!pooldebug || 0 == strcmp(pooldebug, "YES")))
                DebugPoolAllocation = true;
        // Print OBJC_HELP and OBJC_PRINT_OPTIONS output.
        if (PrintHelp  ||  PrintOptions) {
            if (PrintHelp) {
                _objc_inform("Objective-C runtime debugging. Set variable=YES to enable.");
                _objc_inform("OBJC_HELP: describe available environment variables");
                if (PrintOptions) {
                    _objc_inform("OBJC_HELP is set");
                _objc_inform("OBJC_PRINT_OPTIONS: list which options are set");
            if (PrintOptions) {
                _objc_inform("OBJC_PRINT_OPTIONS is set");
            for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(Settings)/sizeof(Settings[0]); i++) {
                const option_t *opt = &Settings[i];            
                if (PrintHelp) _objc_inform("%s: %s", opt->env, opt->help);
                if (PrintOptions && *opt->var) _objc_inform("%s is set", opt->env);

    通过源码我们可以看出这个函数主要是根据一些判断条件打印一些环境变量和帮助文档,有人会说这些环境变量有什么用呢?我们可以在lldb上用命令export OBJC_HELP=1来打印环境变量:

    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_IMAGES: log image and library names as they are loaded
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_IMAGE_TIMES: measure duration of image loading steps
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_LOAD_METHODS: log calls to class and category +load methods
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_INITIALIZE_METHODS: log calls to class +initialize methods
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_RESOLVED_METHODS: log methods created by +resolveClassMethod: and +resolveInstanceMethod:
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_CLASS_SETUP: log progress of class and category setup
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_PROTOCOL_SETUP: log progress of protocol setup
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_IVAR_SETUP: log processing of non-fragile ivars
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_VTABLE_SETUP: log processing of class vtables
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_VTABLE_IMAGES: print vtable images showing overridden methods
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_CACHE_SETUP: log processing of method caches
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_FUTURE_CLASSES: log use of future classes for toll-free bridging
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_PREOPTIMIZATION: log preoptimization courtesy of dyld shared cache
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_CXX_CTORS: log calls to C++ ctors and dtors for instance variables
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_EXCEPTIONS: log exception handling
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_EXCEPTION_THROW: log backtrace of every objc_exception_throw()
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_ALT_HANDLERS: log processing of exception alt handlers
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_REPLACED_METHODS: log methods replaced by category implementations
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS: warn about calls to deprecated runtime functions
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_POOL_HIGHWATER: log high-water marks for autorelease pools
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_CUSTOM_RR: log classes with un-optimized custom retain/release methods
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_CUSTOM_AWZ: log classes with un-optimized custom allocWithZone methods
    objc[6393]: OBJC_PRINT_RAW_ISA: log classes that require raw pointer isa fields
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_UNLOAD: warn about poorly-behaving bundles when unloaded
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_FRAGILE_SUPERCLASSES: warn about subclasses that may have been broken by subsequent changes to superclasses
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_NIL_SYNC: warn about @synchronized(nil), which does no synchronization
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_NONFRAGILE_IVARS: capriciously rearrange non-fragile ivars
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_ALT_HANDLERS: record more info about bad alt handler use
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_MISSING_POOLS: warn about autorelease with no pool in place, which may be a leak
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_POOL_ALLOCATION: halt when autorelease pools are popped out of order, and allow heap debuggers to track autorelease pools
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_DUPLICATE_CLASSES: halt when multiple classes with the same name are present
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DEBUG_DONT_CRASH: halt the process by exiting instead of crashing
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DISABLE_VTABLES: disable vtable dispatch
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DISABLE_PREOPTIMIZATION: disable preoptimization courtesy of dyld shared cache
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DISABLE_TAGGED_POINTERS: disable tagged pointer optimization of NSNumber et al.
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DISABLE_TAG_OBFUSCATION: disable obfuscation of tagged pointers
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DISABLE_NONPOINTER_ISA: disable non-pointer isa fields
    objc[6393]: OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY: disable safety checks for +initialize after fork

    看到这是不是想说,这是什么鬼?其实我们在仔细看一下,这些都是我们项目的一些环境变量,我们可以在xcodeEdit Scheme->Arguments->Environment Variables

    进行设置运行时环境变量,这些环境变量的具体使用运行时环境变量( Environment Variables )
    • 添加OS_ACTIVITY_MODEdisable,进行屏蔽系统日志
    • 添加OBJC_DISABLE_NONPOINTER_ISAYES,可以进行isa优化,可以使isa存储更多的内容.
    • 添加OBJC_PRINT_LOAD_METHODSYES,可以打印类和分类的load方法,对我们优化启动有帮助。



    void tls_init(void)
        _objc_pthread_key = TLS_DIRECT_KEY;
        pthread_key_init_np(TLS_DIRECT_KEY, &_objc_pthread_destroyspecific);
        _objc_pthread_key = tls_create(&_objc_pthread_destroyspecific);



    * static_init
    * Run C++ static constructor functions.
    * libc calls _objc_init() before dyld would call our static constructors, 
    * so we have to do it ourselves.
    static void static_init()
        size_t count;
        auto inits = getLibobjcInitializers(&_mh_dylib_header, &count);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {


    void lock_init(void)




    * exception_init
    * Initialize libobjc's exception handling system.
    * Called by map_images().
    void exception_init(void)
        old_terminate = std::set_terminate(&_objc_terminate);


    * _objc_terminate
    * Custom std::terminate handler.
    * The uncaught exception callback is implemented as a std::terminate handler. 
    * 1. Check if there's an active exception
    * 2. If so, check if it's an Objective-C exception
    * 3. If so, call our registered callback with the object.
    * 4. Finally, call the previous terminate handler.
    static void (*old_terminate)(void) = nil;
    static void _objc_terminate(void)
        if (PrintExceptions) {
            _objc_inform("EXCEPTIONS: terminating");
        if (! __cxa_current_exception_type()) {
            // No current exception.
        else {
            // There is a current exception. Check if it's an objc exception.
            @try {
            } @catch (id e) {
                // It's an objc object. Call Foundation's handler, if any.
            } @catch (...) {
                // It's not an objc object. Continue to C++ terminate.



    // Note: only for use by objc runtime
    // Register handlers to be called when objc images are mapped, unmapped, and initialized.
    // Dyld will call back the "mapped" function with an array of images that contain an objc-image-info section.
    // Those images that are dylibs will have the ref-counts automatically bumped, so objc will no longer need to
    // call dlopen() on them to keep them from being unloaded.  During the call to _dyld_objc_notify_register(),
    // dyld will call the "mapped" function with already loaded objc images.  During any later dlopen() call,
    // dyld will also call the "mapped" function.  Dyld will call the "init" function when dyld would be called
    // initializers in that image.  This is when objc calls any +load methods in that image.
    void _dyld_objc_notify_register(_dyld_objc_notify_mapped    mapped,
                                    _dyld_objc_notify_init      init,
                                    _dyld_objc_notify_unmapped  unmapped);

    看注释:仅供objc运行时使用, 在注册映射,取消映射和初始化 objc图像时要调用的处理程序。dyld将使用包含objc-image-info的镜像文件的数组来调用mapped函数。
    _dyld_objc_notify_register(&map_images, load_images, unmap_image)有3个参数

    • map_images
    • load_images
    • unmap_image



    * map_images
    * Process the given images which are being mapped in by dyld.
    * Calls ABI-agnostic code after taking ABI-specific locks.
    * Locking: write-locks runtimeLock
    map_images(unsigned count, const char * const paths[],
               const struct mach_header * const mhdrs[])
        mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);
        return map_images_nolock(count, paths, mhdrs);


    • 处理由dyld映射的给定图像。
    • 取得ABI特定的锁后,调用与ABI无关的代码。
    if (hCount > 0) {
            _read_images(hList, hCount, totalClasses, unoptimizedTotalClasses);




     if (!doneOnce) {
            doneOnce = YES;
            // Disable non-pointer isa under some conditions.
            // Disable nonpointer isa if any image contains old Swift code
            for (EACH_HEADER) {...}
    # endif
    # if TARGET_OS_OSX
            // Disable non-pointer isa if the app is too old
            // (linked before OS X 10.11)
            if (dyld_get_program_sdk_version() < DYLD_MACOSX_VERSION_10_11) {...}
            // Disable non-pointer isa if the app has a __DATA,__objc_rawisa section
            // New apps that load old extensions may need this.
            for (EACH_HEADER) {...}
    # endif
            if (DisableTaggedPointers) {
            if (PrintConnecting) {...}
            // namedClasses
            // Preoptimized classes don't go in this table.
            // 4/3 is NXMapTable's load factor
            int namedClassesSize = 
                (isPreoptimized() ? unoptimizedTotalClasses : totalClasses) * 4 / 3;
            gdb_objc_realized_classes =
                NXCreateMapTable(NXStrValueMapPrototype, namedClassesSize);
            allocatedClasses = NXCreateHashTable(NXPtrPrototype, 0, nil);
            ts.log("IMAGE TIMES: first time tasks");


    gdb_objc_realized_classes =
                NXCreateMapTable(NXStrValueMapPrototype, namedClassesSize);
            allocatedClasses = NXCreateHashTable(NXPtrPrototype, 0, nil);


    // This is a misnomer: gdb_objc_realized_classes is actually a list of 
    // named classes not in the dyld shared cache, whether realized or not.
    NXMapTable *gdb_objc_realized_classes;  // exported for debuggers in objc-gdb.h
    static Class getClass_impl(const char *name)
        // allocated in _read_images
        // Try runtime-allocated table
        Class result = (Class)NXMapGet(gdb_objc_realized_classes, name);
        if (result) return result;
        // Try table from dyld shared cache
        return getPreoptimizedClass(name);
    • 通过注释我们可以知道,这张表是存储所有的类,包括实现的和未实现的。
    * allocatedClasses
    * A table of all classes (and metaclasses) which have been allocated
    * with objc_allocateClassPair.
    static NXHashTable *allocatedClasses = nil;
    • 这个就是存储被分配过的类和元类的表,就是已经实现的类和元类的表。


    // Discover classes. Fix up unresolved future classes. Mark bundle classes.
        for (EACH_HEADER) {
            // 从编译后的类列表中取出所有类,获取到的是一个classref_t类型的指针
            classref_t *classlist = _getObjc2ClassList(hi, &count);
            if (! mustReadClasses(hi)) {
                // Image is sufficiently optimized that we need not call readClass()
            bool headerIsBundle = hi->isBundle();
            bool headerIsPreoptimized = hi->isPreoptimized();
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                 // 数组中会取出OS_dispatch_queue_concurrent、OS_xpc_object、NSRunloop等系统类,例如CF、Fundation、libdispatch中的类。以及自己创建的类
                Class cls = (Class)classlist[i];
                // 通过readClass函数获取处理后的新类,
                Class newCls = readClass(cls, headerIsBundle, headerIsPreoptimized);
                // 初始化所有懒加载的类需要的内存空间 - 现在数据没有加载到的 - 连类都没有初始化的
                if (newCls != cls  &&  newCls) {
                    // Class was moved but not deleted. Currently this occurs 
                    // only when the new class resolved a future class.
                    // Non-lazily realize the class below.
                    // 将懒加载的类添加到数组中
                    resolvedFutureClasses = (Class *)
                                (resolvedFutureClassCount+1) * sizeof(Class));
                    resolvedFutureClasses[resolvedFutureClassCount++] = newCls;


    Class readClass(Class cls, bool headerIsBundle, bool headerIsPreoptimized)
        const char *mangledName = cls->mangledName();
        Class replacing = nil;
        if (Class newCls = popFutureNamedClass(mangledName)) {
            // This name was previously allocated as a future class.
            // Copy objc_class to future class's struct.
            // Preserve future's rw data block.
            if (newCls->isAnySwift()) {...}
            class_rw_t *rw = newCls->data();
            const class_ro_t *old_ro = rw->ro;
            memcpy(newCls, cls, sizeof(objc_class));
            rw->ro = (class_ro_t *)newCls->data();
            freeIfMutable((char *)old_ro->name);
            free((void *)old_ro);
            addRemappedClass(cls, newCls);
            replacing = cls;
            cls = newCls;
        if (headerIsPreoptimized  &&  !replacing) {
            // class list built in shared cache
            // fixme strict assert doesn't work because of duplicates
            // assert(cls == getClass(name));
        } else {
            addNamedClass(cls, mangledName, replacing);
        // for future reference: shared cache never contains MH_BUNDLEs
        if (headerIsBundle) {
            cls->data()->flags |= RO_FROM_BUNDLE;
            cls->ISA()->data()->flags |= RO_FROM_BUNDLE;
        return cls;

    通过if (Class newCls = popFutureNamedClass(mangledName))这个判断我们得知,这里只是对未来待处理的类进行操作。

    addNamedClass(cls, mangledName, replacing);


    static void addNamedClass(Class cls, const char *name, Class replacing = nil)
        Class old;
        if ((old = getClassExceptSomeSwift(name))  &&  old != replacing) {
            inform_duplicate(name, old, cls);
            // getMaybeUnrealizedNonMetaClass uses name lookups.
            // Classes not found by name lookup must be in the
            // secondary meta->nonmeta table.
        } else {
            NXMapInsert(gdb_objc_realized_classes, name, cls);
        assert(!(cls->data()->flags & RO_META));
        // wrong: constructed classes are already realized when they get here
        // assert(!cls->isRealized());
    • 通过NXMapInsert(gdb_objc_realized_classes, name, cls);将类添加到我们上述所说的总表中。
    * addClassTableEntry
    * Add a class to the table of all classes. If addMeta is true,
    * automatically adds the metaclass of the class as well.
    * Locking: runtimeLock must be held by the caller.
    static void addClassTableEntry(Class cls, bool addMeta = true) {
        // This class is allowed to be a known class via the shared cache or via
        // data segments, but it is not allowed to be in the dynamic table already.
        assert(!NXHashMember(allocatedClasses, cls));
        if (!isKnownClass(cls))
            NXHashInsert(allocatedClasses, cls);
        if (addMeta)
            addClassTableEntry(cls->ISA(), false);


    // 将所有SEL都注册到哈希表中,是另外一张哈希表
        // Fix up @selector references
        static size_t UnfixedSelectors;
            mutex_locker_t lock(selLock);
            for (EACH_HEADER) {
                if (hi->isPreoptimized()) continue;
                bool isBundle = hi->isBundle();
                SEL *sels = _getObjc2SelectorRefs(hi, &count);
                UnfixedSelectors += count;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    const char *name = sel_cname(sels[i]);
                    // 注册SEL的操作
                    sels[i] = sel_registerNameNoLock(name, isBundle);


     for (EACH_HEADER) {
            classref_t *classlist = 
                _getObjc2NonlazyClassList(hi, &count);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                Class cls = remapClass(classlist[i]);
                // printf("non-lazy Class:%s\n",cls->mangledName());
                if (!cls) continue;
                // hack for class __ARCLite__, which didn't get this above
                if (cls->cache._buckets == (void*)&_objc_empty_cache  &&  
                    (cls->cache._mask  ||  cls->cache._occupied)) 
                    cls->cache._mask = 0;
                    cls->cache._occupied = 0;
                if (cls->ISA()->cache._buckets == (void*)&_objc_empty_cache  &&  
                    (cls->ISA()->cache._mask  ||  cls->ISA()->cache._occupied)) 
                    cls->ISA()->cache._mask = 0;
                    cls->ISA()->cache._occupied = 0;
                if (cls->isSwiftStable()) {
                    if (cls->swiftMetadataInitializer()) {
                        _objc_fatal("Swift class %s with a metadata initializer "
                                    "is not allowed to be non-lazy",
                    // fixme also disallow relocatable classes
                    // We can't disallow all Swift classes because of
                    // classes like Swift.__EmptyArrayStorage
                // 实现所有非懒加载的类(实例化类对象的一些信息,例如rw)


    • remapClass将类进行重映射
    • addClassTableEntry将类插入到allocatedClasses表中,如果存在就不插入
    • realizeClassWithoutSwift实现所有非懒加载的类(实例化类对象的一些信息,例如rw)
    * realizeClassWithoutSwift
    * Performs first-time initialization on class cls, 
    * including allocating its read-write data.
    * Does not perform any Swift-side initialization.
    * Returns the real class structure for the class. 
    * Locking: runtimeLock must be write-locked by the caller
    // ✅注释:对类cls执行首次初始化,包括分配读写数据。不执行任何Swift端初始化。返回类的实际类结构
    static Class realizeClassWithoutSwift(Class cls)
    // ✅初始化类中的 ro、rw、父类和元类
        const class_ro_t *ro;
        class_rw_t *rw;
        Class supercls;
        Class metacls;
        bool isMeta;
    // ✅对类进行判断,下面有递归,isa的经典走位图,最终父类和元类指向nil
        if (!cls) return nil;
        if (cls->isRealized()) return cls;
        assert(cls == remapClass(cls));
        // fixme verify class is not in an un-dlopened part of the shared cache?
    // ✅读取cls中的data数据,对ro进行赋值
        ro = (const class_ro_t *)cls->data();
        if (ro->flags & RO_FUTURE) {// ✅未来的类
            // This was a future class. rw data is already allocated.
            rw = cls->data();
            ro = cls->data()->ro;
            cls->changeInfo(RW_REALIZED|RW_REALIZING, RW_FUTURE);
        } else {// ✅当前的类,读取cls中的data数据,对ro进行赋值(编译时已经赋值),但是rw并没有赋值
            // Normal class. Allocate writeable class data.
            rw = (class_rw_t *)calloc(sizeof(class_rw_t), 1);
            rw->ro = ro;
            rw->flags = RW_REALIZED|RW_REALIZING;
        isMeta = ro->flags & RO_META;
        rw->version = isMeta ? 7 : 0;  // old runtime went up to 6
        // Choose an index for this class.
        // Sets cls->instancesRequireRawIsa if indexes no more indexes are available
        if (PrintConnecting) {...}// 一些打印
        // ✅remapClass源码,我们可以知道,remapClass主要是对类在表中进行查找的操作,如果表中已有该类,则返回一个空值,如果没有,则返回当前类,这样保证了类只加载一次,并结束递归归
        supercls = realizeClassWithoutSwift(remapClass(cls->superclass));
        metacls = realizeClassWithoutSwift(remapClass(cls->ISA()));
    // ✅ 将父类和元类赋值到类的父类和isa,这就是我们在lldb指令打印isa指向元类的原因
        // Update superclass and metaclass in case of remapping
        cls->superclass = supercls;
        // Reconcile instance variable offsets / layout.
        // This may reallocate class_ro_t, updating our ro variable.
        if (supercls  &&  !isMeta) reconcileInstanceVariables(cls, supercls, ro);
        // Set fastInstanceSize if it wasn't set already.
        // Copy some flags from ro to rw
        if (ro->flags & RO_HAS_CXX_STRUCTORS) {
            if (! (ro->flags & RO_HAS_CXX_DTOR_ONLY)) {
        // Propagate the associated objects forbidden flag from ro or from
        // the superclass.
        if ((ro->flags & RO_FORBIDS_ASSOCIATED_OBJECTS) ||
            (supercls && supercls->forbidsAssociatedObjects()))
            rw->flags |= RW_FORBIDS_ASSOCIATED_OBJECTS;
    // ✅双向链表指向关系 父类中可以找到子类 子类中也可以找到父类
        // Connect this class to its superclass's subclass lists
        if (supercls) {
            addSubclass(supercls, cls);
        } else {
        // Attach categories
        return cls;


    static void methodizeClass(Class cls)
        bool isMeta = cls->isMetaClass();
        auto rw = cls->data();// ✅对rw进行赋值,其实这里rw还是空的
        auto ro = rw->ro;
        // Install methods and properties that the class implements itself.
        method_list_t *list = ro->baseMethods();// ✅读取ro里面的方法列表
        if (list) {// ✅进行判断,有方法列表就把ro里面的baseMethods赋值给rw中的methods
            prepareMethodLists(cls, &list, 1, YES, isBundleClass(cls));
            rw->methods.attachLists(&list, 1);
        property_list_t *proplist = ro->baseProperties;// ✅读取ro里面的属性列表
        if (proplist) {// ✅进行判断,有属性列表就把ro里面的baseProperties赋值给rw中的properties
            rw->properties.attachLists(&proplist, 1);
        protocol_list_t *protolist = ro->baseProtocols;// ✅读取ro里面的协议列表
        if (protolist) {// ✅进行判断,有属性列表就把ro里面的baseProtocols赋值给rw中的protocols
            rw->protocols.attachLists(&protolist, 1);
        // Root classes get bonus method implementations if they don't have 
        // them already. These apply before category replacements.
        if (cls->isRootMetaclass()) {
            // root metaclass
            addMethod(cls, SEL_initialize, (IMP)&objc_noop_imp, "", NO);
        // Attach categories.
        category_list *cats = unattachedCategoriesForClass(cls, true /*realizing*/);
        attachCategories(cls, cats, false /*don't flush caches*/);
        if (cats) free(cats);
    #if DEBUG
        // Debug: sanity-check all SELs; log method list contents
        for (const auto& meth : rw->methods) {
            if (PrintConnecting) {
                _objc_inform("METHOD %c[%s %s]", isMeta ? '+' : '-', 
                             cls->nameForLogging(), sel_getName(meth.name));
            assert(sel_registerName(sel_getName(meth.name)) == meth.name); 


     void attachLists(List* const * addedLists, uint32_t addedCount) {
            if (addedCount == 0) return;
            if (hasArray()) {
                // many lists -> many lists
                uint32_t oldCount = array()->count;//10
                uint32_t newCount = oldCount + addedCount;//4
                setArray((array_t *)realloc(array(), array_t::byteSize(newCount)));
                array()->count = newCount;// 10+4
                memmove(array()->lists + addedCount, array()->lists,
                        oldCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));
                memcpy(array()->lists, addedLists, 
                       addedCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));
            else if (!list  &&  addedCount == 1) {
                // 0 lists -> 1 list
                list = addedLists[0];
            else {
                // 1 list -> many lists
                List* oldList = list;
                uint32_t oldCount = oldList ? 1 : 0;
                uint32_t newCount = oldCount + addedCount;
                setArray((array_t *)malloc(array_t::byteSize(newCount)));
                array()->count = newCount;
                if (oldList) array()->lists[addedCount] = oldList;
                memcpy(array()->lists, addedLists, 
                       addedCount * sizeof(array()->lists[0]));


    • 0 lists -> 1 list:直接通过addedLists直接赋值
    • 1 list -> many lists: 将类开辟新的内存空间,将新数据进行存储
    • many lists -> many lists:扩大现有容器的内存,将旧数据放在指定的位置,将需要增加的数据放在前面


    • 首先类的加载会先进行_objc_init函数的调用,最后来到_dyld_objc_notify_register函数,传入map_images
    • map_images执行的就是加载镜像文件,最终来到_read_images读取镜像文件
    • _read_images进行类存储到表gdb_objc_realized_classesallocatedClasses中。对类进行重映射,把所有的sel注册到nameSelectors表中,将所有的Protocol添加到protocol_map表中。
    • 存储类到表gdb_objc_realized_classesallocatedClasses是通过readClass对类进行插入表的处理
      • remapClass将类进行重映射
      • addClassTableEntry将类插入到allocatedClasses表中,如果存在就不插入
      • realizeClassWithoutSwift实现所有非懒加载的类(实例化类对象的一些信息,例如rw)
    • 然后通过realizeClassWithoutSwift实现非懒加载类的一些信息相关的操作,如给类创建rw结构,对父类,元类也进行相关初始化,对父类,元类,根类,子类进行相关的绑定
    • 然后通过methodizeClass处理类的方法列表,协议列表,属性列表,将ro的值赋给rw
    • 同时也会将分类的信息进行加载。



          本文标题:iOS 类的加载
