Currently pod trunk
is not usable for us as pod lint
fails because simulator architectures (i386 and x86_64) are missing. BUT Apple rejects apps containing dynamic-frameworks with simulator architectures.
We deploy two variants of dynamic-framworks
- one with all device and simulator architectures (for debugging)
- one with device-only architectures (for app-submission).
pod lint
fails with the following errors:
x86_64 in file SampleSDK/iOS/Sample.framework/Sample (3 slices)
- NOTE | [SampleSDK/SampleSDK and more...] xcodebuild: fatal error: lipo: -remove's specified would result in an empty fat file
- NOTE | [iOS] [SampleSDK/SampleSDK] xcodebuild: ld: warning: ld: warning: ignoring file SampleSDK/iOS/Sample.framework/Sample, missing required architecture x86_64 in file
We were forced to provide device-only architectures as Apple rejects app-submissions containing any simulator-architectures with
ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90087: "Unsupported Architectures. The executable for Sample.app/Frameworks/Sample.framework contains unsupported architectures '[x86_64, i386]'."
Similar issues:
@eldewy I managed to go around this issue by replacing the code inside the xcodebuild function of validator.rb by that one :
def xcodebuild
require 'fourflusher'
command = ['clean', 'build', '-workspace', File.join(validation_dir, 'App.xcworkspace'), '-scheme', 'Pods-App', '-configuration', 'Release']
case consumer.platform_name
when :ios
command += %w(-sdk iphoneos10.0 -destination=generic/iOS ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO ARCHS=armv7)
when :watchos
command += %w(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- -sdk watchsimulator)
command += Fourflusher::SimControl.new.destination(:oldest, 'watchOS', deployment_target)
when :tvos
command += %w(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- -sdk appletvsimulator)
command += Fourflusher::SimControl.new.destination(:oldest, 'tvOS', deployment_target)
output, status = _xcodebuild(command)
unless status.success?
message = 'Returned an unsuccessful exit code.'
message += ' You can use `--verbose` for more information.' unless config.verbose?
error('xcodebuild', message)
I basically replicated the behaviour of 0.39 to allow our team to push pods. Please note that this is a quick and dirty fix, will only work for ios targets, is only working with xcode8, and might not work for you, but I thought it might help you while waiting for an official fix ;)
I also ran into the same issue while creating a private pod to wrap a third-party which does not provide i386 libraries : pod lib lint
resulted into Undefined symbols for architecture i386
Finally, I came up with the following workaround (which is a posteriori natural, since my project really doesn't need to be built on i386) : tell the podspec that the project is not buildable on 32 bit simulators, that is :
subspec.pod_target_xcconfig = {
'ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => '$(ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT)'
(instead of the default ARCHS_STANDARD
In case it helps... @MarcoBrescianini @dvdblk @lumialxk
I almost have the same case with @hberenger . But the third-party in my private pod does not include both i386 and x86_64 libraries.
I add pod_target_xcconfig
like this:
s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'VALID_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => '' }
after that, pod lib lint --skip-import-validation
works for me.
I just hope "the lint" can ignore architecture i386 and x86_64. I'm not sure whether it is the right way, though it works.
This show how to fix
when :ios
command += %w(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=- -sdk iphonesimulator ARCHS=x86_64)