Fitness Equipment in the Gym

Fitness Equipment in the Gym

作者: Doris_super | 来源:发表于2019-10-22 17:25 被阅读0次

    It is Anna's first time going to a gym. She is fascinated by the various exercise equipment there.


    Anna & Jeremy:


    Jeremy: Albert的同事兼好朋友

    Anna: Wow! This gym is awesome!

    安娜: 哇! 这个健身房太棒了!

    Jeremy: I know right? The fitness equipment here is state-of-the-art. I come here for bodybuliding almost every week.

    杰里米: 我知道,对吧?这里的健身器材是最先进的。我几乎每周都来这里健身。

    Anna: Well,it's the first time going a gym so I'm a little confused.

    安娜: 嗯,这是我第一次去健身房,所以我有点困惑。

    Jeremy: Don't worry. I'll show you around.

    杰里米: 别担心。我带你四处看看。

    Anna: What are those bicycles over there for?

    安娜: 那边的那些自行车是干什么用的?

    Jeremy: They're exercise bikes for spinning classes. You can't ride them outdoors though.

    杰瑞米: 那是动感单车班的健身脚踏车。但是你不能在户外骑它们。

    Anna: Haha! Got it! Look! Lots of people are jogging on the treadmills by the window.

    安娜: 哈哈! 了解! 看! 许多人在靠窗的跑步机上慢跑。

    Jeremy: Yeah,those are very popular in the gym.

    杰里米: 对,那些在健身房很流行。

    Anna: Um...I prefer running in the park so I can enjoy some fresh air.

    安娜: 嗯…我更喜欢在公园里跑步,这样我可以呼吸一些新鲜空气。

    Jeremy: I guess that's true.

    杰里米: 我猜是真的。

    Anna: But all the other exercise machines look fascinating and I can't wait to have a try. You won't believe how much weight I gained during winter.

    安娜: 但是其他的健身器材看起来都很吸引人,我等不及要试一试了。你不会相信我在冬天增重了多少。

    Jeremy: Really? You body shape looks good. Still,more fitness exercise would never hurt.

    杰里米: 真的吗? 你的身材看起来不错。不过,多做健身运动也不会有什么坏处。

    Anna: I couldn't agree more.

    安娜: 我完全同意。

    Jeremy: Come on! I'll show you how to use these fancy machines.

    杰里米: 来吧! 我将向你展示如何使用这些别致的机器。

    Anna: Let's get started!

    安娜: 我们开始吧!


    fascinated by:着迷于

    various:adj. 各种各样的;多方面的

    awesome:adj. 令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的

    fitness equipment:健身器材

    state-of-the-art:adj. 最先进的;已经发展的;达到最高水准的


    spinning:n. 纺线(手艺),纺纱(手艺);动感单车运动


    treadmills:n. 跑步机;单调乏味的工作;踏车(treadmill的复数)



          本文标题:Fitness Equipment in the Gym
