2021-04-28 Listening is everythi

2021-04-28 Listening is everythi

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2021-04-28 14:50 被阅读0次

    How can you write something that catches people’s attention? Something that resonates with people?

    Start becoming aware of things that actually matter. Listen to your friends, family, spouse, readers, and yourself.

    See yourself as a researcher who’s studying mankind. And if you think that’s too broad, only study your particular subject. Maybe that’s the underground poker scene in NYC. Or maybe the online fans of K-Pop bands. Whatever lights a fire inside of you.

    This works for fiction and non-fiction. The better you observe the details of daily life, the better you can explain them. This quote from Hemingway says it all:

    “I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.”

    Now you’re probably thinking, “How do I listen better?” There’s no such thing. You are either a listener, or you’re not. I wasn’t one. And then I became one. It’s that simple!

    It starts with a decision. “I’m going to be a listener from now on.” Just don’t become a listener of your own voice! Listen to what people say and do.

    Ask a question. Then, listen to the answer. Repeat the process.

    That’s all! You can do this for every piece of writing; whether that’s an article, book, or a simple email. Ask something like, “What are your thoughts?”

    And then notice what people are actually saying. Stay away from the overly optimistic and pessimistic messages. That’s why a lot of people don’t like social media. It’s either the best thing ever or the worst thing ever!

    Extreme stuff is not useful. So when you go on social media, discard about 99% of the comments. Listen to the considerate people. The ones who leave balanced responses.

    You see, writing is not complicated. I’ve been teaching writing for a few years now and my students are always surprised by how simple my strategy is. It’s mostly research, creating your own style, using simple rules, and listening!



          本文标题:2021-04-28 Listening is everythi
