A puma at large 单词

A puma at large 单词

作者: 昆plus | 来源:发表于2018-12-01 23:16 被阅读0次


    vi是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语,句子到此为止,如要加宾语需要用介词。例I arrive. /I arrive in shanghai. 而不能说I arrive shanghai. 

    vt是及物动词,可直接加宾语,不能单独使用。I reach shanghai.而不能说I reach.或I reach +prep.+shanghai.



    Spot v 发现,看出 n 斑点

    a big red spot 一个大红斑

    a spot on one's reputation 某人名声上出现一个斑点

    A leopard won't change its spot 江山易改本性难移

    spot of sth 一些,一点

    You seem to be having a spot of bother with your car,can I help?

    a  scenic spot 旅游景点

    A great many of scenic spots are being spoilt by the ill-behaved tourists 许多景点都被行为不端的游客破坏了

    The Middle East is a hot spot 中东地区是一个热点地区

    on the spot 在现场

    Ten minutes after calling 911,a police car arrived on the spot

    Chick Webb spotted her in an amateur compettion when she was sixteen


    recognize sb,as 认出某人是谁

    identify 识别 Id card  identity card 

    UFO=unidentified flying object


    evidence, n 证据(不可数)a piece of evidence

    evident 清楚的,明白的,明显的。self-evident 不言自明

    All truth passes through three stage,First,it is ridiculed,Second,it is violently opposed,Third,it id accept as being self-evident 真理通常需要经过三个阶段,第一个阶段嘲笑,第二个阶段强烈的反对,第三个阶段被广泛接受,且不言自明。

    Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

    court法庭,go to court 打官司 settle sth,out of court 私了

    accuse sb,of (doing)sth

    I accused him of stealing my sheep

    charge sb with(doing)sth

    I charged him with stealing my sheep


    accumulate 积累

    accumulate knowledge/possession 积累知识/财富

    I accumulated a large vocabulary 我积累大量词汇

    amass 积累

    amass a fortune

    People tend to amass possession 人们喜欢积累大量财富

    pile up 积累

    Meanwhile ,the traffic piled up behind 与此同时堵车越来越多

    collect:collect stamps 集邮

    gather:gather crops

    hoard囤积(贬义):Shenzhen real estate developers hoard large amounts of land


    ablige 使----某人感到必须

    obligation 职责

    be/feel obliged to do (迫于责任)是某人不得不做某事

    be/feel compelled to do 必须做某事

    President Nixon felt compelled to resign

    be/feel impelled to do(内心的迫使)

    He felt impelled to point out that  were making a dangerous mistake


    human being 人类 可数

    alien being 外星人

    intelligent being 智慧生物



    v 使走投无路

    Don‘t corner me 不要逼我

    on角落的上面/角落里面in/拐角处at around the corner

    My birthday is just around the corner 我的生日马上就要到来了


    convince 使--信服


    convince sb of sth 使某人相信

    He failed to convince the jury of his innocence

    cure sb of sth 治好某人

    The doctor cured him of his lung cancer

    inform sb of sth 通知

    My ex-wife informed me of her marriage

    remind sb of sth

    You remind me of one of my classmate 你使我回忆起我一个同学

    rob sb of sth

    The robber robbed me of my wallet

    deprive sb of sth 剥夺

    Some criminals were deprived of political rights

    assure sb of sth 使某人放心某事

    The dealer assured me of its quality


    somehow 不知怎么搞地

    somewhat 有一些

    He was somewhat hungry 有点饿了


    I have lost my wallet somewhere around here


    disturb v 打扰,令某人不安

    Do not disturb 请勿打扰

    I hope I am not disturbing you

    Sorry to disturb you,but,really need your help。



          本文标题:A puma at large 单词
