

作者: K_7237 | 来源:发表于2019-12-06 15:49 被阅读0次



    1. 适用范围

    a) 在您注册《梦想经理人》账号时,您根据《梦想经理人》要求提供的个人注册信息;

    b) 在您使用《梦想经理人》时,《梦想经理人》自动接收并记录的您的浏信息,包括但不限于您的IP地址、设备的类型、使用的语言、访问日期和时间、软硬件特征信息及您的游戏角色信息等数据;

    c) 《梦想经理人》通过合法途径从商业伙伴处取得的用户个人数据。


    a) 《梦想经理人》收集到的您在《梦想经理人》发布的有关信息数据,包括但不限于聊天、评价详情;

    b) 违反法律规定或违反《梦想经理人》规则行为及《梦想经理人》已对您采取的措施。

    2. 信息使用

    a) 《梦想经理人》不会向任何无关第三方提供、出售、出租、分享或交易您的个人信息,除非事先得到您的许可,或该第三方和《梦想经理人》(含《梦想经理人》关联公司)单独或共同为您提供服务,且在该服务结束后,其将被禁止访问包括其以前能够访问的所有这些资料。

    b) 《梦想经理人》亦不允许任何第三方以任何手段收集、编辑、出售或者无偿传播您的个人信息。任何《梦想经理人》用户如从事上述活动,壹经发现,《梦想经理人》有权立即终止与该用户的服务协议。

    c) 为服务用户的目的,《梦想经理人》可能通过使用您的个人信息,向您提供您感兴趣的信息,包括但不限于向您发出产品和服务信息,或者与《梦想经理人》合作伙伴共享信息以便他们向您发送有关其产品和服务的信息(后者需要您的事先同意)。

    d) 《梦想经理人》中部分功能将会与全服其他用户分享您的角色信息,包括但不限于排行榜、市场等功能。

    3. 信息披露


    a) 经您事先同意,向第三方披露;

    b) 为提供您所要求的产品和服务,而必须和第三方分享您的个人信息;

    c) 根据法律的有关规定,或者行政或司法机构的要求,向第三方或者行政、司法机构披露;

    d) 如您出现违反中国有关法律、法规或者《梦想经理人》服务协议或相关规则的情况,需要向第三方披露;

    e) 如您是适格的知识产权投诉人并已提起投诉,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷;

    f) 其他《梦想经理人》根据法律、法规或者网站政策认为合适的披露。

    4. 信息存储和交换


    Privacy Policy

    《梦想经理人》 respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized service, 《梦想经理人》 will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. But 《梦想经理人》 will treat the information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, 《梦想经理人》 does not disclose or provide such information to third parties without your prior consent. 《梦想经理人》 updates this privacy policy from time to time.

    1. Scope of application

    a) your personal registration information as required by 《梦想经理人》 at the time you register for the 《梦想经理人》ian Account;

    b) Your browser information automatically received and recorded by 《梦想经理人》 when you use 《梦想经理人》, including but not limited to your IP address, device type, language used, date and time of visit, hardware and software features Information and your game character information and other data;

    c) "《梦想经理人》" through personal data obtained from business partners through legal means.

    You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this Privacy Policy:

    a) The information data collected by 《梦想经理人》 at "《梦想经理人》", including but not limited to chatting and evaluation details;

    b) Violations of the law or violations of the 《梦想经理人》 rules and the measures that 《梦想经理人》 has taken against you.

    2. Information usage

    a) 《梦想经理人》 will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party unless you have obtained prior permission from you, or if the third party and the 《梦想经理人》 (including the 《梦想经理人》ian Company) alone or together to provide you service, and at the end of the service, it will be barred from accessing all such information that it has previously been able to access.

    b) 《梦想经理人》 also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell, or gratuitously transmit your personal information by any means. Any 《梦想经理人》ian user who engages in such activity, upon discovery, 《梦想经理人》ian has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with that user.

    c) 《梦想经理人》 may use the personal information provided by you to provide you with information that you are interested in, including, but not limited to, sending you product or service information or sharing it with 《梦想经理人》ian Partners Information so that they can send you information about their products and services (the latter requires your prior consent).

    d) Some features of 《梦想经理人》 will share your character information with other users, including but not limited to leaderboards and markets.

    3. Information Disclosure

    The 《梦想经理人》 will disclose your personal information in whole or in part in accordance with your personal wishes or the law, under the following conditions:

    a) disclose to a third party with your prior consent;

    b) You must share your personal information with third parties in order to provide the products and services you request;

    c) Disclosure to third parties or administrative and judicial authorities in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law or the requirements of the administrative or judicial authorities;

    d) If you violate the relevant laws and regulations of China or "《梦想经理人》ian" service agreement or the relevant rules, you need to disclose to third parties;

    e) If you are a qualified IPR complainant and have lodged a complaint, you should be required by the complainant to disclose to the respondent so that both parties can handle possible disputes over rights.

    f) Other "《梦想经理人》" disclosures deemed appropriate by law, regulation or website policy.

    4. Information storage and exchange

    The information and materials collected by 《梦想经理人》 on you will be stored on the server of 《梦想经理人》ian and / or its affiliates, which may be sent to your country or region or 《梦想经理人》 to collect information and Data is located outside the country and abroad are visited, stored and displayed.



