Day 80 English Central-沟通-Idioms

Day 80 English Central-沟通-Idioms

作者: Hich99en | 来源:发表于2017-12-20 10:28 被阅读6次

    Day 80-英语学习打卡
    Date:20th Dec
    Topic:English Central-沟通-Idioms

    →On the Fence.It means undecided about something.

    I'm on the fence about swimming with sharks.
    He's still on the fence about accepting the job offer.
    They're on the fence about moving to a new house.

    →Head in the Clouds.It means to spend too much time thinking about ideas that are not practical.

    He has his head in the clouds if he thinks he's gonna win the lottery.
    You have your head in the clouds if you're thinking of a salary raise.
    Your head's in the clouds if you think you'll be able to play all these musical instruments.

    Day 80 English Central-沟通-Idioms Day 80 English Central-沟通-Idioms Day 80 English Central-沟通-Idioms



          本文标题:Day 80 English Central-沟通-Idioms
