PRM_Type.h houdini HDK参数类型

PRM_Type.h houdini HDK参数类型

作者: 皿卜土 | 来源:发表于2019-03-20 10:22 被阅读0次


    // Some common parm types:
    // The terminator for a parm list. Just a zero value.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_LIST_TERMINATOR;
    // A switcher to create multiple parm pages. Uses tabs to switch pages.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_SWITCHER;
    // A switcher to create multiple parm pages. Uses radio buttons to switch pages.
    // A switcher to create multiple parm pages. Recooks the node when changed.
    // A non-animatable float value.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT_E;
    // A float value which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT_J;
    // A float value which is represented logarithmically.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT_LOG_E;
    // A float value which is represented logarithmically which can be animated
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT_LOG;
    // A non-animatable float triple with xyz channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_XYZ_E;
    // A float triple with xyz channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_XYZ;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_XYZ_J;
    // A non-animatable float triple with uvw channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_UVW_E;
    // A float triple with uvw channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_UVW;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_UVW_J;
    // A non-animatable float triple with rgb channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RGB_E;
    // A float triple with rgb channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RGB;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RGB_J;
    // A non-animatable float quad with rgba channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RGBA_E;
    // A float quad with rgba channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RGBA;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RGBA_J;
    // A non-animatable float quad with begin/end channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_BEGINEND_E;
    // A float quad with begin/end channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_BEGINEND;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_BEGINEND_J;
    // A non-animatable float pair with start/end channel names.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_STARTEND_E;
    // A float pair with start/end channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_STARTEND;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_STARTEND_J;
    // A non-animatable int value.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_E;
    // An int value which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT;
    // A non-animatable int value  which is represented logarithmically.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_LOG_E;
    // An int value which is represented logarithmically and can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_LOG;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_J;
    // A non-animatable int triple with xyz channel names.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_XYZ_E;
    // An int triple with xyz channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_XYZ;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_XYZ_J;
    // A non-animatable float pair with min/max channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT_MINMAX_E;
    // A float pair with min/max channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT_MINMAX;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT_MINMAX_J;
    // A non-animatable int pair with min/max channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_MINMAX_E;
    // An int pair with min/max channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_MINMAX;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_MINMAX_J;
    // A non-animatable int pair with start/end channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_STARTEND_E;
    // An int pair with start/end channel names which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_STARTEND;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_STARTEND_J;
    // A ramp editor, which uses a non-animatable float parameter. (LEGACY)
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FLT_RAMPEDIT;
    // A check box.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_TOGGLE_E;
    // A check box which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_TOGGLE;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_TOGGLE_J;
    // A string that contains an hscript or unix command.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_COMMAND;
    // A string that points to any file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FILE_E;
    // A string that points to any file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_FILE;
    // A string that points to an image file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_PICFILE_E;
    // A string that points to an image file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_PICFILE;
    // A string that points to a geometry file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_GEOFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a geometry file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_GEOFILE;
    // A string that points to a capture override file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CAPTFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a capture override file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CAPTFILE;
    // A string that points to a ramp file. (LEGACY)
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RAMPFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a ramp file which can be animated. (LEGACY)
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RAMPFILE;
    // A string that points to a clip (channel) file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CLIPFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a clip (channel) file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CLIPFILE;
    // A string that points to an image or ramp file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_PAINTFILE_E;
    // A string that points to an image or ramp file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_PAINTFILE;
    // A string that points to a LUT file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_LUTFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a LUT file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_LUTFILE;
    // A string that points to a script file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CMDFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a script file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CMDFILE;
    // A string that points to a MIDI file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_MIDIFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a MIDI file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_MIDIFILE;
    // A string that points to a text file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_TXTFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a text file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_TXTFILE;
    // A string that points to an i3d file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_I3DFILE_E;
    // A string that points to an i3d file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_I3DFILE;
    // A string that points to a channel file file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CHANFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a channel file file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CHANFILE;
    // A string that points to a simulation file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_SIMFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a simulation file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_SIMFILE;
    // A string that points to an icon file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ICONFILE_E;
    // A string that points to an icon file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ICONFILE;
    // A string that points to a siulation data file.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_SIMDATAFILE_E;
    // A string that points to a siulation data file which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_SIMDATAFILE;
    // A string that points to a directory.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_DIRECTORY_E;
    // A string that points to a directory which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_DIRECTORY;
    // A non-animatable string parameter.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_STRING_E;
    // An animatable string parameter.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_STRING;
    // An alphanumeric string (for node, variable, or group names)
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ALPHASTRING;
    // A string containing a list of operator paths.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_STRING_OPLIST;
    // A string containing the name of a single operator.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_STRING_OPREF;
    // A string containing the name of a single operator that is our child.
    // A data parameter.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_DATA;
    // A non-animatable ordinal type.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ORD_E;
    // An ordinal type which can be animated.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ORD;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ORD_J;
    // An animatable float with a polar UI.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_POLAR;
    // A non-animatable float with an angle UI.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLE_E;
    // An animatable float with an angle UI.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLE;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLE_J;
    // A non-animatable float triple with angle UI and xyz channel names.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLEXYZ_E;
    // An animatable float triple with angle UI and xyz channel names.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLEXYZ;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLEXYZ_J;
    // A non-animatable float pair with angle UI and min/max channel names.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLE_MINMAX_E;
    // An animatable float pair with angle UI and min/max channel names.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLE_MINMAX;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ANGLE_MINMAX_J;
    // An animatable float with a polar jack UI.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_POLARJACK;
    // An animatable int with up/down arrow buttons instead of a slider 
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_INT_SPINNER;
    // An animatable float with up/down arrow buttons instead of a slider
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_SPINNER;
    // An animatable float with a range UI.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RANGE;
    // An animatable float with a hue circle UI.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_HUECIRCLE;
    // An animatable float with a palette UI.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_PALETTE;
    // An animatable float with a grey range UI.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_GREYRANGE;
    // An animatable float with polar UI and xyz channel names.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_DIRECTION;
    // Like PRM_DIRECTION, but not animatable.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_DIRECTION_E;
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_DIRECTION_NOJ;
    // A button which triggers a callback.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_CALLBACK;
    // A button which triggers a callback but does not recook the node,
    //   create undos, nor cause the hip file to be modified.
    // An ordinal parameter for masking R/G/B/A image channels.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_RGBAMASK;
    // A text buttonstrip for doing general masking up to 32 bits (using a menu)
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_BUTTONSTRIP;
    // An icon buttonstrip for doing general masking up to 32 bits (using a menu)
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_ICONSTRIP;
    // An animatable float pair with min/max channel names for the R component.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_MINMAX_R;
    // An animatable float pair with min/max channel names for the G component.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_MINMAX_G;
    // An animatable float pair with min/max channel names for the B component.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_MINMAX_B;
    // An animatable float pair with min/max channel names for the A component.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_MINMAX_A;
    // An animatable float pair with min/max channel names for all RGBA components.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_MINMAX_RGBA;
    // A label (for dialog appearance only).
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_LABEL;
    // A separator (for dialog appearance only).
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_SEPARATOR;
    // A geometry data object.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_GEOMETRY;
    // A key-value dictionary (keys are strings, values are strings).
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_KEY_VALUE_DICT;
    // A Geometry Delta.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_GEODELTA;
    // A combination label and separator.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_HEADING;
    // A checkbox parameter joined to the next parameter.
    PRM_API extern const PRM_Type PRM_JOINED_TOGGLE;
    // explaining PRM_SWITCHER:
    //     This is for switcher groups in PSI. The size and name of each group 
    //     is in the defaults list. the parameters which follow will be used
    //     to make the switcher groups.
    // eg:
    //  PRM_Default d[] =
    //  {
    //      PRM_Default(3, "label 1"),  
    //      PRM_Default(1, "label 2")
    //  };
    //  PRM_Template t[] =
    //  {
    //                  // 2 means there will be two groups
    //      PRM_Template(PRM_SWITCHER, 2, &somename, d),    
    //      PRM_Template(PRM_XYZ, 1, &somename),    // These three will
    //      PRM_Template(PRM_XYZ, 1, &somename),    // be in the first 
    //      PRM_Template(PRM_XYZ, 1, &somename),    // group named "label 1"
    //      PRM_Template(PRM_XYZ, 1, &somename),    // This will be
    //                  // in the second group named "label 2"
    //      PRM_Template(PRM_XYZ, 1, &somename),    
    //              // and this is outside the switcher
    //  };
    // PRM_SWITCHER     int, named 123, ( see example above )
    // PRM_FLT_E        float, named 123
    // PRM_FLT      float, named 123, jive-menu
    // PRM_XYZ_E        float, named xyz
    // PRM_XYZ      float, named xyz, jive-menu
    // PRM_UVW_E        float, named uvw
    // PRM_UVW      float, named uvw, jive-menu
    // PRM_DIR      float, namex xyz, jive-menu, polarjack
    // PRM_BEGINEND_E   float, named begin/end
    // PRM_BEGINEND     float, named begin/end, jive-menu
    // PRM_ANGLE        float, named begin/end, jive-menu, anglejacks
    // PRM_INT_E        int, named 123
    // PRM_INT      int, named 123, jive-menu
    // PRM_INT_XYZ_E    int, named xyz
    // PRM_INT_XYZ      int, named xyz, jive-menu
    // PRM_FLT_MINMAX   float, named min/max, jive-menu
    // PRM_INT_MINMAX   int, named min/max, jive-menu
    // PRM_TOGGLE       ord, toggle
    // PRM_ORD      ord
    // PRM_CALLBACK     ord, callback (either a button or a menu)
    // PRM_STRING       string
    // PRM_FILE     string, file-prompter
    // Feel free to | these three:
    // PRM_PICFILE      string, file-prompter with a pic filter 
    // PRM_GEOFILE      string, file-prompter with a geo filter
    // PRM_RAMPFILE     string, file-prompter with a ramp filter (LEGACY)
    // PRM_DATA     data



          本文标题:PRM_Type.h houdini HDK参数类型
