Disadvantages of SAP QM module
One day, a peer(SAP consultant) asked me what are the disadvantage/insufficiency of SAP QMmodule. This has aroused my thinking. Although I served as a QM consultant inthe implementation of several SAP projects, I really haven't thought about thedisadvantages of SAP QM module carefully. The SAP projects I have done as a QMconsultant are all global rollout projects, and I have not experienced too manyself-development functions. If there is any disadvantages or deficiencies inthe SAP QM module, I may not be as grounded as the consultants who have donemany private enterprise SAP projects.
According to mypersonal experience and cognition of SAP QM standard functions, I sorted outseveral points and replied to the peer. This blog is based on my reply. Ifthere is any misunderstanding, I hope that you can correct me.
In my opinion, the SAPQM module itself is still very powerful and has control points for the businessprocesses of each logistics business department of the enterprise. However, Ibelieve that there are some deficiencies in the SAP QM module (standardfunction):
1) For example, theinspection function of the production in-process is not very strong. It is notused in SAP project practice. It is just a chicken rib. The business teambelieves that this 03 inspection type is not applicable. If we setup 03inspection type, then a control point is set in a certain production phase totrigger an inspection lot, but the subsequent operations execution cannot beprevented before the 03 type inspection lot is done usage decision. Strongcontrol cannot be realized technically, but the inspection lot has to beprocessed in the SAP system (record results, use decisions, etc.) by manually, thusincreasing the workload of system operation but it is worthless.
2), The inspectionlot of type 06 (customer return inspection) is not relevant to the inventory,so the inspection control over the customer return process is weak, which isactually a chicken rib. However, I have met a customer in one SAP project. Theirglobal template has enhanced the 06 inspection type. When they received theproducts returned from customer, a 05 type inspection lot is generated, theinventory is automatically transferred to the quality inspection (QI) status.After the inspection lot is released, the inventory is automatically released.
3), 07 inspectiontype and 89 inspection type overlap in function. In fact, the 89 inspectiontype is enough, and the 07 inspection type is redundant.
4), The inspectiontype related to the delivery note is actually chicken ribs. Even if the inspectionlot is triggered, the goods issue posting of the delivery note cannot beprevented if the inspection lot is not fully released. Therefore, theseinspection types are basically not practical.
5), The QM reportis not very user friendly. For example, the inspection results of variousinspection characteristics of multiple inspection lots cannot be displayed in auser-friendly format. It can only be realized through the function ofself-developed report.
6), The QM modulecan't support the batch hold function, so it needs to be enhanced. For example,if the business team finds that there is a quality problem with a batch offinished products, and this batch of finished products may already haveinventory in many sales centers around the world, how to hold the batchglobally through a batch hold function and prevent any sales center fromshipping those inventory to customers. Another example, if a batch of rawmaterials has quality problems, all semi-finished products or finished productsproduced by this batch raw material cannot be held automatically through thebatch hold function.
7), Although thequality notification in the QM module can support customer complaints, suppliercomplaints and internal quality investigation activities, its function is tooweak and not easy to use.
8), The sap QMstandard function does not support many typical scenarios in enterprise. Forexample, some enterprises need to lease a third-party warehouse to storematerials due to the warehouse space limitation. If they transfer materialsfrom an internal warehouse to an external warehouse managed by a third party,quality inspection is not required, but quality inspection is required whenthey transfer materials from an external warehouse to an internal warehouse. Secondexample, quality inspection is not required for the stock transfer from GMPmaterials to non GMP materials, but quality inspection is required for thestock transfer from non GMP materials to GMP materials. These scenarios are notsupported by SAP QM standard functions.
9), The peer also added: SAP's QM focuses on the processing and judgment of inspection data, and is weak in quality system, measurement and analysis, process data monitoring and prior control. This supplement is pertinent!
As for otherdeficiencies, I also hope peers will give suggestions. Thanks a lot.