

作者: wangbingliang | 来源:发表于2018-11-14 20:38 被阅读0次

1、搭配: ~for concern/worry

2、Internet users grow increasingly discontent  with how Internet companies treat their data. That is cause for concern.(用户对互联网公司对用户数据的使用越来越不满,这令互联网巨头忧心忡忡)

3、场景: 大城市房价终于不涨了,甚至出现了小幅下跌,但还是不知道什么时候出手买房。

      造句: Falling house prices give cause for both hope and worry.

4)The narrowing gap between bonds and stocks is grounds for anxiety, but not yet cause for alarm.(债券和股票之间的差距缩小让人担忧,但还没有引起恐慌)


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