作者: 堂堂糖xiaoyuki | 来源:发表于2016-05-26 18:16 被阅读0次

    At first I thought it was a story that told about a true fish that was enormous but in the film the big fish is not just a kind of fish it has rich meaning.

    It begun with a legend which Edward told on his son's birthday party and it also lead to three-year-cold war. They didn't have any  communication for three year until Edward disease was worse and worse. It was the whole story background. Watching the film I always became puzzle about the truth of Edward's life experience. Every time when I convinced myself that ha it was just a story then what was going happend changed thorough and next I would suspect all the time. You would change you emotion with the change of the movie plots, which made the movie was really charming.

    The film include many valuable lesson that we can learn from. Family, marriage, career, life... How to be a father or a son, How to treat your life and family, persist  in what you believe what you love and not betray your love, be kind to every, always be optimistic in life, not settle when you need move on...there many impressive plots in my mind.

    In the begin, the story said that to catch a big fish you need give her a ring.

    The  old lady who lived by the river and in her eyes you can see the situation when you die. There was a foreshadowing that we don't know how Edward's death and this give Edward courage to face harsh situation and a similar plot was when he predicated his father's death his father had a worst day. It is really interesting, every konw we will die we but we don't konw when or how, if you can choose one which one you will choose? For me maybe how just like Edward, however, we don't konw neither of them. Different choose lead a different attitude to life.

    Circus' boss would be a black dog at night when a staff wanted to shoot it Edward prevented it and played with it whole night which give him the address where his lover live.

    For girls the most impressive plots should be Edward plant thousands  daffodils from five states and win his wife and the dramatic story between them. And there was another girl in a twon younger ten years old than Edward and fall in love with him when she was eight. I still remember what she said to Edward's that she is made-up and he is truly,obviously she still loved Edward.

    In the end, his son help him finished his whole life told him how he die in the river became a big fish echoed the beginning and his became the same as his father. Through this thing and with his wife and his mother 's help he understand his father and became an interesting father in his life.



          本文标题:BIG FISH
